- At 17 weeks, your baby is just over 5 inches long and weighs about 5 oz.--just big enough to fit in the palm of your hand.
- Your baby's bones will begin to transform from soft cartilage to a hard skeleton. Your baby can move its joints and is even developing sweat glands.
- At this stage of development, your baby is beginning to hear things that happen outside the womb, including the sound of his mother's voice. Some mothers choose to play soothing music as the baby develops to comfort and calm him.
- You may begin to feel your baby move at around 17 weeks. These movements may be sporadic at first and will increase as your pregnancy progresses.
- Many women begin to show around this time, as the uterus is about 2 inches under the abdomen. You may also notice weight gain as a result of the pregnancy.
- As is the case throughout your pregnancy, it is important to get plenty of rest and avoid stressful situations, particularly if you have a demanding job. Women who are exposed to stress are more inclined to suffer complications, such as preterm labor.