•Why Care About Laws on Teaching Evolution?
Does it really matter if legislatures try to limit or eliminate the teaching of evolution? Is it all that important when school boards try to force science teachers to include non-scientific theories about the development of life alongside evolution in their lessons? Yes, people who care about science, religion, and secularism should care very deeply about efforts by some Christians to get schools to undermine proper science and replace it with theology that is falsely presented as science.More »
•The Scopes Monkey Trial
The Scopes Monkey Trial is one of the most (in)famous and celebrated legal cases in American history. It is one of the earliest cases labeled "trial of the century," applied so often that if it were true America would be in its 3rd millennium rather than its 3rd century. The Scopes Monkey Trial was a relatively minor legal manner involving little money in a small town in Tennessee, but many modernity and science were being put on trial by fundamentalist religion. Everyone was eager to find out who would win because it seemed as though the future and the very nature of American society were at stake.More »
•What is "Balanced Treatment"?
Although not heard quite as often today, calls for "Balanced Treatment" were once a fundamental aspect of creationist attempts to insert their beliefs into science classes across the country. According to creationists, school science classes needed to balance evolution against creationism. Through such efforts creationists hoped that not only would scientific creationism receive more widespread acceptance, but also that evolution would slowly wither away and die.More »