Health & Medical Lose Weight

How Can I Lose 20 Pounds in A Month? Here Is How to Do It With Ease

How can I lose 20 pounds in a month? Is it possible at all? Well, there is reason for doubt; considering how many weight loss pills you have spent your money on.
But one thing is still sure, you can lose any amount of weight you chose to lose if only you put your heart at it.
You should know that weight loss has nothing to do with pills, it has more to do with reconfiguring your lifestyle than reconfiguring your lungs and stomach.
Every weight loss program is only trying to help you make that change in lifestyle as far as eating and drinking is concerned.
Once you can change how you eat and how you drink; you should not have problems with losing 20 pounds and maintaining a healthy weight.
So how can I lose 20 pounds in a month? It is simple; here are a few tips on how you can lose 20 pounds in the next four weeks.
- Make out a plan.
You should be targeting at least 5 pounds per week.
- Get your mind ready for an overhaul; you must not quit in the middle of this even if you do not lose a pound in the first 1 week; your body may be reconfiguring to this change.
- Start by discarding junk foods like beer, soda, chocolates and sweet.
You will not need them in this run.
- Eat more of dietary fibers such as vegetables and fruits.
They will help reduce how much food you eat and also help deplete calories in your body by great amounts.
- Drink lots of water.
It helps to step up body metabolism and this require great amounts of energy which is gotten by burning of calories.
The more the metabolism going on in your body, the more calories will be burnt and the more fat you will lose.
- Exercise: You will be running, jogging, skipping, dancing and swimming for the next 4 weeks.
You cannot stop along the way.
All these can be combined and you can select only one but it is better if you combine them; they guarantee faster results.
All the above cardiovascular exercises must be done for at least 45 minutes daily.
Now this is not going to be easy but you must be ready to serve your body.
I believe the above will answer your question on "how can I lose 20 pounds in a month?"

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