Society & Culture & Entertainment Reading & Book Reviews

The Voice of the Pyramid - A Blueprint For the Coming Age by Cathy Evans

At a time when many people are feeling restless and unsure, this book provides a reassurance about trusting one's own messages.
Evans relates, particularly in the first half of the book, her own journey of receiving her message and doing it her way.
We are all unique.
Our connection to the divine is unique.
Some meditate and hear direction, some see visual signs, some have other-dimensional visitors, and some have a combination of the three.
The means is not important, but Evans teaches us to trust the method and the message.
She does this simply through showing her own process and questioning until she lets go and looks with openness and new eyes.
We learn to believe in our abilities and use them for the greater good.
Each of us has guidance, leading to a gift or talent to share with the world.
Evans message may be summed up as recognizing the balance of the masculine and feminine.
Yet this is a simple statement of her more complex views.
She talks about the importance of the masculine in our world and not dismissing that as we acknowledge the feminine.
Both are crucial, but each is incomplete without the other.
Her use of the Egyptian pyramids is fascinating, and her insights provide a new of view of these ancient structures.
Evans also discusses the importance of self-healing.
This must not be forgotten in our attempt to connect with the divine and move on with higher work.
"What amazed me today was how much self-healing had been required of me to finally reach this point of understanding.
" She comments on the "15 years for me to finally get a glimpse of what had happened.
" My own experience, reinforced by study, confirms that confronting our personal issues is a must.
Evans' journey is a testament to her own healing efforts and her patience.
All can learn from that.
Another strength of her book is her non-academic approach.
She reinforces for many the ability to trust the information received.
Too often people feel uncertain about their ability or message without prior research or academic pursuit.
As Evans points out, she has had scholars surprised at her findings and she herself was amazed as she later discovered the truth to some of her Egyptian discoveries and revelations.
I like her recognition, "One can find sanity while living within this insanity, but the path is not so easy.
" She warns that others may declare that "it is you who are insane.
" Ah, the pitfalls of spiritual work.
The rewards, however, are great.

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