So imagine this.
You spent between $600 and $1,000 to buy hair extensions and have your hairdresser install them in a semi-permanent fashion with keratin bonds, micro rings or perhaps sewn into a braided track.
But now your extensions are entwined, tangled, perhaps even matted with your real hair and you have one almighty mess.
If you let it get too bad you might lose a whole heap of your own locks in order to remove the tangled mess.
There are a couple of critical steps that will prevent this unthinkable scenario: avoid synthetics and buy high quality real hair extensions and take very good care of them.
If you buy poor quality extensions, either real or synthetic you can expect tangles sooner than later.
If you buy good quality real hair extensions, your extensions can potentially serve you for as long as six months.
It depends on how they are attached or how fast your hair grows.
When high quality is used the extensions can be removed and often used again.
Synthetic hair is extremely prone to tangling.
If you are going to use synthetic hair extensions then it is best to use the temporary clip-on sort.
Wear them for a few hours and then take them out.
For Heaven's sake do not sleep with them! Real hair extensions may also be prone to tangling depending on the quality.
What makes real hair tangle? damaged cuticle.
Or in the case of extensions, when the hair is all mixed up and the cuticle of individual strands runs in opposite directions.
If your hair extensions are Remy hair (with the cuticle still intact) then the cuticle of all the hair should run in the same direction from root to tip.
To test the tangling potential go about half-way down the length of your hair extensions and take a pinch of hair (a few strands) between your thumb and middle finger.
Gentle rub the hair up and down between your thumb and finger you will very quickly see how tangle prone the hair is.
Even if your hair extensions are of excellent quality they will tangle without proper care.
Keep the hair clean but when washing keep your head upright...
best done in the shower.
Carefully but gently brush the extensions below the point of attachment..
Wash with a low ph shampoo and treat with a good quality conditioner.
With bonded extensions, the bonding material may deteriorate with the use of shampoos and conditioners.
Consult your hairdresser.
Do not go to bed with wet hair and avoid windy conditions or use a scarf for protection.
If you find yourself with matted or tangle hair extensions get to a good hair dresser immediately.
Finally, it is false economy to buy cheap synthetic extensions and then pay good money to have them professionally attached.
There is a good chance that you will be disappointed in the long run.
Get your money's worth with good quality real hair and avoid the pitfalls.
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