When people think about CCTV and security for a home or business, often they think about it in two ways - in terms of keeping people out, and in terms of catching perpetrators. To this end they will use things like high walls and barbed wire and big locks in order to keep people out, and then at the same time they will use things like CCTV and alarms to catch criminals in the act or to help them track them down.
However this is far from the only thing to bear in mind when designing your security, and what's equally important is to think about keeping people from even attempting to break in in the first place. In fact in many ways thinking of deterrents is actually more important than thinking about the other two aspects as it will help to avoid any potential damage to the property and to avoid any potential risks to your safety - as it will mean that you don't have anyone on your premises with ill intent or even thinking about it.
So how do you put people off the idea of entering your property in the first place? Well one way to accomplish this is to simply make your existing security systems prominent and obvious and doing this will help you to ensure that potential trespassers question their ability to break in and so don't try. All the things mentioned earlier like barbed wire and high walls will do the trick to scare off criminals too (look into the law surrounding the use of barbed wire in your area first). However many people don't realise this aspect of their CCTV and will keep their cameras hidden in order to try and catch criminals 'in the act'. This is obviously a mistake, and if you are going to do this then you should also keep one camera where it can be seen, or at least put up a sign stating that you have CCTV.
Likewise the brilliant thing about deterrents in security is that you don't even actually have to have what you say you do in order to keep people out. Include a sign saying you have guard dogs for instance and you will be able to keep people out more and this in no way means you need to have any dogs on the premises.
Likewise you can also trick potential trespassers into thinking that you are in when you aren't. For this reason many people will use a lighting system on a timer to make the lights come on and go off as though someone was in and this will help to keep people from thinking of robbing what appears to be an empty house. Likewise you should use a friend and ask them to remove post that's building up at your front door.
One important thing to remember when looking into using deterrents to keep your property safe is that your home or business doesn't have to be completely impenetrable looking to keep people out - as actually what will be just as effective is just making sure your home is more impenetrable than the building next door. The reason being is that most criminals will then simply opt to go from the easier looking option.
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