"Help me save my marriage before I kill my husband! We don't have sex! And the rare times we do, I don't even like it! Oh, and he never listens, never talks to me, never wants to discuss anything and claims he doesn't trust me! I'm fed up!" If this sounds like you, then chances are I don't have to tell you there's some turbulence in your marriage.
Every marriage experiences rocky points within its relationship, that's simply the nature of love.
However, when things escalate to a point where each day seems grayer and drearier than the last, then there's definitely a need to pay attention and see what's wrong.
Here are 8 signs you might need to run straight pass Go! and make decisions on how to strengthen your marriage and dissolve the problems driving a wedge between you both.
There's no respect.
The end of respect for someone in a relationship is the beginning of harsh criticism and judgment for them.
It's important that you and your husband share morals, values and a similar foundation of beliefs, even if you don't always agree with one another.
Respect is a key foundational block of your relationship with your husband.
Enough is enough when you realize your partner's actions are just no longer okay with you - and that's when it may be time to let go of your relationship.
No trust.
When actions don't match words, trust between lovers is eroded to a dangerously low level within your marriage.
Your lack of ability to have faith in someone keeping their word then leads you not to rely upon them to follow through, which eventually wears you down and keeps you from opening up.
Whether or not you can fix trust depends on the situations in which trust is broken.
There's a strong difference in never trusting someone again for forgetting an appointment versus a habitual liar who cannot seem to get to the root of his issues about gambling.
Constant fighting.
Again, all couples fight, no matter how lovey dovey they seem on the outside.
However, if you seem to constantly schedule continuous arguments without resolution that seem to increase in frequency at every step, you're suffocating under a lot of drama - drama that might not be worth the hassle if it cannot be resolved.
If you're fighting to keep the love alive in your marriage, you're working too hard to keep your marriage afloat.
However, you may wish to speak with a marriage counselor before moving straight for the Divorced Girls' Society.
You're bored with him.
Taking your husband for granted is a sign of acclimation to the max in a marriage.
We all take our loved ones for granted, especially when we're used to living with them on a regular basis.
The difference between regular, run of the mill boredom, and worrisome boredom is whether or not you have the ability to re-engage him with fun activities that spice up the fun in the relationship.
If he's a wet blanket - or you both are - then you'll suffer in quiet desperation until something changes.
Now ask yourself, "Which one of these problems, if fixed, can help me save my marriage? And how can I begin to fix them?" Perhaps some reflection on these issues can lead you to developing a plan of action that puts you on the right track to saving your marriage before it's too late.
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