The puzzle about the identity of the one with the number 666 has been around for almost 2,000 years without resolution.
Many have suspected this one or that as being it but they were all wrong.
One day the Spirit showed me a vision with the words CONSTANTINE IS 666 standing up in large black letters before my eyes.
Then it led me to research the life and work of this man and the influence he holds over the world to this day.
History has a habit of changing things by refining stories and trending them towards the philosophy and thinking of the reporter.
Over time the same story is passed through many brains as other researchers and authors get hold of it.
In the end the versions are diverse and inaccurate to the point that they make most of what is recorded confusing.
Following my reincarnation and link to the Spirit it commissions were given to me to undo the lies of religion and remove the barrier between it and the Children of the Spirit that have been imprisoned by them.
That begins with the false prophets that have been imposed on them by kings whose sole purpose in life was their own power and control.
They had no regard for how they damaged the facts in the meantime.
The Roman Emperor was of this ilk and he established the Roman Catholic Church in 325 AD with one goal in mind.
He was by then sole ruler of the vast realm and he needed a parliament of bishops to control those over whom he stood.
Revelation 13:13-18 states clearly that he invented Jesus Christ and forced everyone to worship it.
He then took control over commerce and no one can buy or sell anything that does not do it in his name.
Therein is the key to knowing how he still controls everything.
The creation of wealth and living as gods on earth is the ambition of many who will rob the environment and destroy nature to ensure they benefit.
Slavery; wars; drugs; gambling; overpopulation; climate change; famine; and disease are all the result of what he put in place.
His religion offers forgiveness for crime and murder.
It promotes the notion that all life is precious and must be preserved.
It forbids family planning and contraceptives and it promotes wars and builds hatred between people.
The prophecy states that "no man may buy or sell" without he do it in the name of 666.
Without trade there would be no disparity between people and without religion there would be no wars.
The consequences of his action continue.
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