Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Preventing Premature Ejaculation - 3 Quick Fixes That Work

Preventing premature ejaculation has two solutions and I suggest you explore both.
The first is a series of quick fix strategies that you can use starting NOW while the second solution involves some more effort but it can give you long term results.
In this quick summary I want to focus on the first and give you some quick tips that you can use immediately.
Its important to start doing something about your problem as soon as possible.
The reason for this is that the longer you postpone the problem the bigger it gets.
This is a problem that is 90% metal and when it develops into a mental "block" it can be very hard to overcome.
Here are 3 quick solutions for you.
Protection Always use a condom simply because it helps to desensitize you.
Also, by simply using a different type of condom you can easily increase your staying power.
Shop around and look for condoms that are thicker or those that are lined with lidocaine jelly - it helps to desensitize you.
Foreplay By extending foreplay you can make the sexual experience last longer.
By minimizing the actual amount of intercourse you can prevent premature ejaculation simply because it helps to "calm y down" and not get overexcited.
Position Did you know that certain sexual positions can make you last longer? As a rule of thumb, any position that puts tension on your pelvic muscles will accelerate ejaculation.
Try and be the one that's underneath and by relaxing your pelvic muscles she will do all the work and in return get a much longer sexual experience.

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