Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

How Do You Tell If He"s Still Interested In You? 3 Ways To Find Out If There"s Another Woman

Are you starting to get the feeling that things are not the same between the two of you? Has he been acting differently towards you, making you wonder if he's still interested in you? Do you sense that his mind is on other things or maybe another woman? It can be hard to try to figure out where you stand when you're faced with this out of character behavior.
But you really need to find out if he's still interested or not, so you can cut him loose and move on if it comes to that.
It may not be the easiest thing to figure out where you stand because if he's like the majority of guys, he will be reluctant to tell you what's on his mind.
So you're going to have to try to decipher the signals to be able to figure out if he's still interested or if he's lost interest.
If you still care for him, you may not want to allow yourself to believe what you are seeing, but that won't change what's going on.
Phone Calls There could be some really obvious signs like if he stops calling or texting you completely.
Seems pretty much a done deal here doesn't it? But some women will make excuses for him, telling themselves that he's just been busy and hasn't had time to call.
Really? Think about it - if he wanted to ask you out, he'd find the 30 seconds it would take to at least send you a text and set something up.
If he can't find 30 seconds, how is he going to find the hours for a date? Other less obvious messages are when he doesn't call or text you as often as he used to, and if when he does call, the conversation is shorter and somehow different.
When this happens, he's probably getting ready to move on.
Avoiding You If he's still trying to keep you around, but you've become more of a back-up or a just in case girl, he'll probably stay in touch.
He'll call, text or send emails to you.
But what he won't do is make time to get together with you very often, if at all.
And he'll have the excuses ready.
He had to work late, his car broke down, his buddy from college suddenly showed up, he's broke so he's staying in, or he has a headache.
If you get these more than you get taken out, then you know he's just keeping you on the string.
Don't let him play you.
Recognize him for the lost cause he is and move on.
He Avoids Getting Intimate You know how much men like sex.
It's on their minds constantly.
So if he is finding excuses to avoid getting intimate with you, or to even hug or kiss you like he used to, it's a sure sign that his mind is somewhere else, or maybe his mind is on someone else.
Don't make the mistake of using your body as a way of keeping him interested.
It's just not going to work because it won't be the same and you'll end up feeling used and unhappy.
You really need to figure out if he's still interested or not.
Once you know where you stand, you can go on from there.
Want to learn more about how men act and think when they're in love? Then I'd love to help you out!

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