Business & Finance Corporations

Your Blog Will Boost Your Success

Your own self-hosted WordPress.
org blog will allow you the freedom to express yourself and to market your business the way you see fit.
You can post your own videos, audios, articles, and links to whatever other content of yours that you wish.
It is a great way to get yourself exposure in the marketplace, to express your views on topics and to increase your lead generation and sales.
Others can comment on your posts.
It is interactive.
The feedback is invaluable so you can craft your content to fit what the marketplace desires to see.
I love to sit at my computer and write articles expressing my views on content I have read, or to make a video and blast it all over the internet.
I think of new ideas for posts all the time.
It is fun.
And you are branding yourself with your unique contributions.
It is a great way to express yourself and market your business.
And the speed at which you can get your content out to the web is amazing.
I click preview to make sure my article or video does not need further editing and then I click publish and my content is available for millions to view.
It is so fantastic! Blogging can be a little complicated.
I took Tracey Walker's course Be Blog Savvy (which is no longer available) over a 3 month period and I learned so much.
I am still tweaking my blog to improve it and I will always do so.
You never stop working on improving your brand.
Blogging is for serious marketers, since most people that are not serious really do not want to do the work to maintain a blog.
It is the hub of your marketing empire.
Your blog is at the center, with your social media marketing, pay per click, search engine optimization and any other forms of marketing you choose, being the branches.
I have learned a lot about blogging from Jeff Hoffman in My Lead System Pro training.
The different widgets and plug-ins are amazing.
And I have also taken the blogging course Blogging to the Bank by Rob Benwell.
Some interesting information in there for internet and affiliate marketers.
I enjoy David Wood's blog.
He is very cutting edge and I especially enjoyed his post yesterday on Facebook outranking Google on Alexa.
I saw David speak recently and he is so much fun.
He is totally himself without edit and it makes you feel comfortable to be your true self, but he sets an example that you can also achieve massive success with great integrity.
There are so many blogs out there that you can look to for inspiration.
Do your research and you will be inspired to start your own blog immediately.
If you do not like to write, you can do videos and post them on your blog or hire an article writer from a site such as Elance.
com, to write for you and then you can tweak the finished article to infuse your own personality into it.
The creative things you can do with a blog are endless.
There is no limit.
Reach your full potential while being your authentic self and soar to the heights of success.
Also, The Blog Beast with Empower Network is amazing.

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