In a country like India where every foodstuff that is served on the plate of an individual get a proper dip in oil or ghee. These foods contain a lot of fat resulting in a threat to obesity. What actually is obesity? Is it dangerous or life threatening? The answer is yes, and the level of danger it can create in certainly high and risky. Obesity itself is a disease and if you're obese you are prone to get many other diseases. And these diseases are not just minor ones, but life threatening disease like Type 2 diabetes which was once upon a time a rare one now is common about obese people.
This not the end of the list of risks you are into, if you're obese heart disease, chances of getting a stroke, Hypertension or high blood pressure, increase in the cholesterol levels, certain type of incurable cancers, sleep apnea, Gout and many psychological and emotional effects are the more threats you are open for. The only solution you have is to getting it treated, that is by losing weight. Losing weight can be done surgically as well as non-surgically. In the non surgical procedure weight loss is achieved by various exercises and diets. But for this surgery to be a success the patient's needs to be very cooperative they need to have a lot of commitment and will power backed up with motivation form the doctor's side. In surgical procedure comes the bariatric surgery. Bariatric surgery includes many types of surgeries like implanting a medical device in the stomach to reduce its size this procedure is called the gastric banding surgery. Another way is by removing a portion of the stomach making the stomach small this is called sleeve gastrectomy and another way is by shortening apart of the intestine to a small stomach pouch this procedure is called gastric bypass surgery. Whatever is the procedure but the main aim of all the surgeries is to reduce the weight of the patient. Not everyone can do a bariatric surgery, one people who exceed the body mass of 40 BMI are allowed or suggested to do a surgery to reduce weight. In rare cases for people who have high diabetes and who are above the body mass of 35 BMI are also allowed for surgeries.
Bariatric surgery has proved to be live saving to many people who have been treated. Many of them have been cured of high diabetes, the chances of heart diseases for them have reduced, there mortality rate has even estimated to have increases by 20-30%. If you are obese and you are seeking for treatment search online for a good weight loss treatment center and start treatment at the earliest as possible, It better you treat now then suffer later.
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