- 1). Boil the water over medium-low heat in the bottom of a double boiler. Add the grated beeswax to the top of the double boiler and stir it until it has melted completely. Gently stir in the organic honey and organic coconut oil.
- 2). Stir the mixture with the wire whisk. Once the ingredients are equally combined, take it from the stove. Pour the entire mixture into a mixing bowl and keep beating it with the whisk until it cools from boiling to warm.
- 3). Add the vitamin E oil. Keep mixing; the concoction will thicken as it cools.
- 4). Wash the containers and the lids with hot, soapy water, and rinse them in hot water. Transfer the hand lotion into the containers and replace the lids. Place the containers of lotion in the refrigerator. In about four hours, it will be ready to use.