The number of men suffering in silence with various penile issues is unknown.
However, conservative estimates suggest that as many as 40% of men have some hang up with their penis.
If you are one of these suffering in silence, the Sizegenetics Extender or a similar device may be able to help you.
There is a reasonable chance that you would've already heard about the system, but remain unconvinced that it could help you.
And that is understandable, with their being such a high number of scams out there.
However, that medical professionals seem to be of the opinion that extenders seem to work better than pills for natural male enhancement.
Before getting to how effective the system is, it is important to understand it is also simple to use.
Another thing to note for the Sizegenetics extender system, is that it does not just rely on the extension device itself; but includes medically proven penis development exercises.
When wearing the device for the first time, it may seem kind of odd.
This is soon forgotten, no matter what the issue or the size of the member, and is actually very comfortable.
The device is thoroughly padded for added comfort, across both rings and adjustable screws.
The first ring, a rigid plastic affair, is firmly secured to the base of the penis.
The second ring, made of silicone and slightly flexible, attaches to the glands of the penis.
The tightness is then adjusted through the straps, as necessary.
Many people have seen improvement with programs such as this because it is medically sound.
One of the main "ingredients" of the system is the exercises.
Because the penis is a muscle, you can change its shape and size just like any other muscle.
The ancient Chinese have know this for thousands of years and they realized the importance of this back when Emperors had harems they had to please so they took this knowledge very seriously.
Whichever route you decide to go in terms of the methods you chose to use, I am quite sure you and your partner will be glad you took the time to research this.
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