Are your man boobs thebutt of jokes at every party? Do you retreat into a corner because youare ashamed of having them? Is it affecting your personal and professionallife? Stop.
Get out of your corner because losing your man boobs issimple.
It is important to understandthat man boobs are simply a result of built-up excess fat.
The humanbody stores fat on your body in a certain order.
On an average, menbuild up fat on their chest and stomach areas just as women store faton their waist and hips.
You just need to dotwo things: eat right and exercise right.
Your diet forms an importantpart of creating fat.
So reduce your calorie intake.
Your ideal dietshould have 15% fat, 35% protein and 50% carbohydrates.
Choose yourfood carefully so that what you eat already has these percentages inthem.
If you replace white foods (white bread, plain pasta, white rice)with brown foods (whole wheat bread, pasta, and brown rice) eat plentyof vegetables with your meals and have only one portion of meat, liketurkey, white meat chicken and fish.
Try to lessen your sugar consumption.
Begin to check labels before purchasing your foods for saturated fats,sugars and calories.
Lowering your calorie consumption implies thatyour body stores less fat.
The second thing youneed to do to lose your man boobs is to do aerobic exercises.
Theseexercises are the best because they convert your fat into energy atthe quickest rate.
You don't need a gym for this.
Find an activitythat increases your heart rate and do it for an hour for five days ina week.
Aerobic activities like biking, tennis, basketball or swimmingcan be great fun and can be done with friends.
Another kind of exerciseto battle the man boobs is weight training.
This is vital to incorporatein your exercise program since it will help in converting the fattytissues around your chest to muscle mass.
It will also help in tighteningthe loose skin on your chest once your man boobs start shrinking.
Inclinebench presses are the best way to rid yourself of man boobs becauseit increases the muscle mass in your chest and tighten your pectoralmuscles.
A few other exercises you could try out are the shoulder press,standard bench press, lat pull downs and the decline bench press.
Atip to remember is that building muscle mass with a weight trainingregiment requires fewer reps with greater weight.
With a little bit ofchange in your diet and constant exercise you can achieve a new lookfor yourself.
But the important ingredient is to remember that you arethe only person who can do this.
And before you know it those man boobsyou are so ashamed of will be gone.
Go on breathe easy and flaunt thenew you with a flat-chest of course!
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