Many sufferers of acne ask themselves the question as to why they have to suffer from this frustrating and painful condition when so many others have clear skin.
Some people are so anguished that they believe that they have been cursed.
So do you know what the truth of acne is? Read on to know more.
Let me tell you that I myself have been asking these questions because I have suffered from acne for years.
And to make matters worse, the answers I received were conflicting and they confused me greatly.
There were those who said that the food I was having caused the acne and so I changed my diet.
But that did not work.
Some others felt that hygiene was the culprit.
I began to wash my face as many as 10 times in a day, and it worsened the condition.
Then there were those who reassured me and said that acne was caused by hormones and the situation would improve with age.
But sadly, my acne lasted for more than 13 years.
I must say here that I carried out rigorous research for 7 long years, and finally I am not only close to the truth, but I actually have made my acne free life a reality.
Yes I now know why they say that knowledge is power and when you have information and wisdom, you can change your life.
It was exactly this in my case.
What you will learn here is the simple truth - and I believe that all great things are simple.
Keep reading to learn about the simple truth that can help you too get the clear skin that you always wanted and finally beat acne.
No, acne is not a disease - it is actually the symptoms of the disease.
When you have acne, you should know that your body is trying to make you understand there is a problem inside.
Each small growth that comes up tells you that there is an imbalance that needs to be fixed by balancing it.
Those who do not have acne have nothing much different than you have - except for one small genetic tendency.
And that is it.
But this genetic tendency, which is the sensitivity of the sebum gland that leads to an imbalance on the hormones, is what leads to the formation of acne.
And because of this genetic tendency, you are different than those who have clear skin.
It might seem unfair to you, but this is how the body manifests its messages.
This genetic tendency is necessary because otherwise the body had no way to let you know about the problem.
So you should feel lucky that you have acne because you can at least know that there are health issues on the inside.
If you did not have acne, would you have been aware of the disease? Probably not! And you would have carried out in the same manner.
Now let us take a look at the consequences of ignoring acne.
It all starts when the body tries to convey the message in the form of blackheads and whiteheads.
Most people either do nothing or end up treating the symptoms by using creams or antibiotics - and this only makes the acne worse.
In some cases, the internal problems might worsen.
There are cases of headaches and nausea and when these symptoms are ignored, it can lead to graver problems such as heartburn, chest pain and other serious problems.
These are issues that are all related to imbalance of the hormones and the build up of toxins within the body, and these problems have been allowed to remain for too long.
My idea is not to scare you, but you should give the acne its due attention, as otherwise, it will only lead to more acne, more acne scars, and other problems like prostate, hair loss and even cancer.
Some people get the benzoyl peroxide treatment and it temporarily offers a respite, but the fact is, the internal problems remain.
These internal problems need to be treated and only than will it be a permanent acne treatment.
That is why I say that you are lucky.
You can be sure that many who do not have acne also have the same health conditions inside them (due to reasons such as diet and poor lifestyle), but they do nothing about them because there is no acne, and thus no symptoms.
You are lucky because your body communicates with you.
So do not despair - thank your acne instead.
You should be glad when you have the acne.
Take a note of them and do something so that the internal health problems can be fixed.
And when you do that, the acne is sure to go away, and not only that, you are also saved from chronic future conditions.
There are quite a few messages of acne - this is because there are many forms of acne.
You need to tackle the reasons behind the messages - the excess toxins, hormonal imbalance, poor diet, sleeplessness, emotional stress and food allergies.
When you tackle them, you will lose the 'acne environment' and thus you will be able to lead a healthy life.
Listen to the acne messages and treat the disease from the inside.
But to do this, you need to first know what acne is.
Because if you do not know the root causes of acne, how can you treat them and lead an acne free life.