- 1). Decide how long you would like the lanyard to be and cut a section of parachute cord twice as long. Fold the section in half and hang it from a nail on the wall.
- 2). Cut a 90-foot section of paracord. Fold this in half. Roll up the ends and secure them with rubber bands so you do not have to pull all 45 feet through the loops.
- 3). Position the fold of the longer cord about four to six inches below the nail, behind the cord hung on the nail.
- 4). Wrap the left end of the cord under the right end. Pass the left end over the center strands and into the created loop. Repeat this step but pass the cords over and under the center strands this time. This creates a square knot around the hanging cord. Make square knots all down the length of the hanging cord to create the lanyard.
- 5). Fold the braided lanyard in half. Tie the loose strands on one end of the lanyard into square knots around the neck of the loop in the other end to secure the ends together. Attach a key ring to the loop to hold the keys.
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