A job description is a very important document that is designed to set out with the aim to define the purpose of the job; it states the functions and responsibilities of the employee for whom the job description is being designed. It describes the job profile and states where the job position fits in the organisation. It states the main functions that the appointed employee is expected to perform and for which he/she will be accountable.
As job description clearly lays out a job's duties and requirements it is greatly helpful for the smooth functioning of work, each employee knows clearly what is expected from him/her and he/she will perform their respected duties, without any misunderstandings and confusions. An accurate, up-to-date job description helps is hiring the right candidate.
But how is it actually useful, well a job description is important to the employee as well as the organisation, as it defines the job and clearly states what is expected from the employee, it results is smooth and effective functioning of the organisation. It sates where the job is positioned in the organisation structure and one can clearly know who reports to whom, hence there is no place of misunderstandings and confusions.
The main aim of the organisation is to appoint an able and efficient employee, who is best suitable for the job; with the help of job description the organisation is able to determine the right candidate.
A job description is moreover a legally-binding contract of employment, under which both employer and employee is bound and secure. Other than the legal use there are many other uses of the job description, it offers a clear picture of the type of employee to look for.
As an employee, one will be able to know the skills, education and experience required to get placed for the job. Individual who wish to get placed for a specific job can prepare for it according to the specification described in a job description.
Moreover a job description forms the foundation of recruitment and helps is sorting out and selecting the right candidate. The interview questions are also prepared using and referring the job description owing to which the candidate is selected.
The job description is hence designed with great care and concern, each and every thing related to the specific placement is taken into account. With the well- defined job description, half way to hiring process is done. Of course employees can seek help of the online job descriptions templates and samples to be able to come up with a well define and designed job description.
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