NEC Designation:
NEC FC-1143 AEGIS Fire Control System MK-99/Operational Test System MK-1 Technician
Performs preventive and corrective maintenance on assigned equipment at the organizational level using the Operational Readiness Test system MK-1 supported by appropriate technical documentation. Performs fault isolation, tests aligns, and repairs individual equipment. Operates system consoles and other equipment employed in support of the ship's combat system in a tactical situation and during test and evaluation.
Qualification Data:
Source Rating(s): FC
Billet Paygrades: E4-E7
Personnel Paygrades: E3-E9
Course: Mandatory
Open to Women?: Yes
All grads of CIN S-104-0192 are eligible to hold FC-1143
Information contained on this page is derived from the Navy Enlisted Manpower and Personnel Classifications and Occupational Standards Manual, Volume II, NAVPERS 18068F, which is the official manual for Navy Enlisted Classifications (NECs).