Health & Medical Body building

How to Gain Mass

If you look around any gym today, you'll see a lot of people working out, but not a lot of people TRAINING.
Most of them don't know what they're doing, they use horrible form, they don't eat enough, and they really just don't put forth the effort.
If you're really serious about getting bigger, then use these important tips on how to gain mass: 1.
Eat Like There's No Tomorrow
If you want to know how to gain mass, your first lesson needs to be in muscle building nutrition.
People ask me all the time about how often I train, how many sets, reps, and exercises I do, etc.
, but they almost never ask how much I eat.
If you see anybody in the gym who's even decently big, chances are they have made eating a top priority ever since they learned how to gain mass.
To gain muscle, or any type of additional body tissue for that matter, you must take in more calories than you burn.
Only when your body has a surplus of energy can it use its resources towards building something new.
Train For Extreme Strength
It might be hard to hear, but if you have been following bodybuilding magazine training programs for months or even years, you have been wasting your time.
The only way to make serious, lasting muscle gains is to make some huge gains in strength.
A bigger muscle is a stronger muscle, period.
You can worry about all the other fluff after you've put in your strength work.
Use Heavy, Compound Movements
One crazy thing I hear from guys wondering how to gain mass is that their training programs consist of almost nothing but exercises like curls, extensions, flyes, and raises.
While these movements have their place, they are far and away the LEAST effective exercises for building lots of muscle mass.
To gain mass, you must not only focus on gaining strength, but you must gain strength on the heaviest, hardest exercises in the gym.
These are squats, bench presses and other types of presses, deadlifts, rows, pull-ups, dips, and all of their different variations.
These movements use many muscles, many joints, and allow you to move the most weight possible.
Being able to move more weight generally means being able to gain more strength, as well.
Think about it - is it easier to go from using 20-pound dumbbells to 40-pound dumbbells for curls, or to go from a 200 bench press to a 220 bench press? They are both 20-pound gains, but one requires a 100 percent gain, and the other requires only 10 percent.

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