A prepper actively pursues to be as independent as possible from the government and power companies and has a large supply of food, tools, weapons, fuel, medical kits, and even a stash of gold and silver to replace a potential default of the currency.
(Financial collapse) The very first prepper was Noah (from the famous Old Testament story) Noah built an Ark and collected all kinds of materials like water, food and of course the animals.
People back then thought he was crazy and came every day to mock him.
Until the floods came.
The same fate is bestowed upon our modern preppers...
people in general think you are crazy when you start prepping.
They simply believe our society is stable and disasters just don't happen to them...
I personally think you are crazy when you are NOT preparing! More and more people however start getting used to the idea of prepping, especially Americansare getting used to bad news like economical crisis, double dip, tornado's, hurricanes oil spillage, mass layoffs, soaring unemployment, empty housing blocks, tent city's etc.
So the common conception of prepping is not so strange anymore as it used to be.
More and more civilians are deterred by the government and they don't have the same faith and trust anymore that the government will take care of them.
Think of the slow response and basically the unwillingness to act during hurricane Katrina.
In principal the government should be afraid of its people, but unfortunately it is the other way around.
People are just not willing to take this anymore and start planning and providing for themselves.
The best would be if people became more self reliant I believe.
Moreover, it is fun to grow your own food and to expand your knowledge on survival skills.
You'll see it will fill you with a feeling of security and pride.
When you watch Doomsday Preppers on National Geographic you can see that a handful of American preppers have taken their course in their own hands.
What you can also notice is that different preppers, prep for different scenarios.
Where one is prepping for a nuclear war, another is planning for the fall of the dollar and yet another is planning for a pandemic outbreak of avian flu.
Whatever doomsday scenario you are planning for, there are always a few basic items that need to be on your prepper list.
Prepper List
- A means to purify water (chlorine tablets, water purification equipment)
- Long term food storage
- Wood to heat your house
- Fuel
- First aid kit
- Flashlights and candles
- Knife
- Am/fm radio
- Sleeping bag
You can easily get a survival kit online and at least get out of dodge for the first 72 hours.