A thrombosed external hemorrhoid is a type of hemorrhoid, which has developed into a clot inside the anal area.
If these hemorrhoids are external, it is possible to see and feel them.
Such hemorrhoids can either be soft or hard, and this is usually a severe form of hemorrhoids, which usually requires surgery for purposes of removing the clot.
To relieve the itching and pain of thrombosed hemorrhoids, one can try to manage and avoid the embarrassing situation by applying the following methods: First of all, one should completely avoid body dehydration.
It is very important to drink at least eight glasses of water a day to ensure that the body is sufficiently hydrated.
Secondly, it is important for the individual to avoid straining while defecating at all costs.
In addition, one should strive to treat constipation with stool softeners, and hemorrhoid creams that can be found from chemists and other drug stores, and also take warm baths several times a day.
Given that thrombosed external hemorrhoids are an indication of severe hemorrhoid condition, it is very important to seek ways and means to remedy the situation, because the condition is at a critical stage at this point.
A thrombosed external hemorrhoid can be relieved by these methods, although it cannot be completely eliminated since this is a severe stage of hemorrhoids, and these methods are only useful in relieving pain and discomfort but they cannot shrink the thrombosed hemorrhoids.
Other additional methods that can be used to relieve pain and discomfort include eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, regular exercising, emptying the bowel immediately the urge is felt and avoiding the use of toilet paper, which can easily worsen the thrombosed hemorrhoids.
Instead, one can use water.
The treatment of thrombosed external hemorrhoids usually involves different procedures, which are as follows; Infrared coagulation, which uses infrared light to burn the thrombosed hemorrhoid off.
A rubber band to stop blood flow to the vein can also tie up the hemorrhoid, and Sclerotherapy, which employs a chemical solution injected to the affected area to shrink the hemorrhoid.
The other medical procedure is hemorroiectomy, which is the removal of the hemorrhoid by surgical means.
Basically, in thrombosed external hemorrhoid is a clot that develops inside the anal area of an individual affected by hemorrhoids.
This is a severe case of hemorrhoids, which could be as a result of prolonged living with the condition without seeking help.
However, there are still ways of getting rid of this severe condition, although it may require surgery to remove the clot.
With regular exercising and consumption of plenty of vegetables and fresh fruits, this severe condition can still be well managed and the severity lessened.
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