I have always had difficulty dropping off to sleep. Remaining asleep? Forget about it! My friends, over the years, gave me numerous suggestions for how to conquer this problem. No one and nothing gave me a lasting solution.
Then I heard about Lavender Essential Oil from, wait for it, my mom! She indicated she knew I consistently had difficulty falling asleep since I was very young, but she assumed I had "drifted" away from that problem. Nice one, Mom! She informed me that several of her friends used lavender oil for a myriad of reasons, but being able to fall asleep naturally, and stay asleep, was one of the uses that appeared to be really popular. I recognized I had zero to lose, and only a decent night's sleep to gain, so I gave it a go the very next evening. The rest, as they say, is history!
I investigated just how to use the lavender in terms of helping me fall asleep. The pamphlet said I should just put a few drops on the palm of one of my hands, massage my palms together gently, and then spread the oil on my pillow. That was the start and end of it. So easy! I recall reading somewhere that it could "help me fall asleep without counting sleep" and that was entirely true. I remember dropping off to sleep while pondering how quickly I would be able to fall asleep. Too funny!
I woke up 6 hours later, happy for the uninterrupted sleep. This organic oil worked and has continued to work the large quantity of times I've utilized it since that initial night.
After I had such an awesome success with this essential oil and my sleep habits; I had to find out more information about the benefits and uses of this 100% pure lavender. It turns out that it can also ease headaches, even migraines, though I don't suffer from those. At least two weeks went by before I developed a headache. At that point I put 1 drop of oil on each temple and voilĂ , within minutes the headache subsided. Yet, after being able to fall asleep so promptly and easily with the same oil, I was nevertheless asking myself, "Any possibility my headache was just about to subside/fade away/disappear on its own?" Well, after a few additional tries I ultimately got my answer. This Lavender oil works so effectively it helps ease headaches in short order. There are several more applications for this oil that I am going to try out. Can you picture a product used for problems from anxiety to bug bites? Quite a versatile oil!
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