Health & Medical Beauty & Style

Cheap Natural Simple Solutions For Sensitive Dry Skin

The symptoms most associated with dry skin are scaling, which is the visible peeling of the outer skin layer, itching and cracks in the skin. Sensitive dry skin is easily treatable today when you know how to take care of it both inside and out.

The dermis is structurally divided into two areas: a superficial area adjacent to the epidermis, called the papillary region, and a deep thicker area known as the reticular region. The epidermis contains no blood vessels, and cells in the deepest layers are nourished by diffusion from blood capillaries extending to the uppermost layers of the dermis. Skin is made up of loose connective tissue and elastin.

If you break out on the skin around your eyes, it could be the shellac in your mascara; buy a shellac-free mascara like Ecco Bella's. Nutritional deficiencies, especially deficiencies of vitamin A and the B vitamins can also contribute to dry skin or result in a chronic dry skin condition that's not relieved by anything else. Certain drugs, including diuretics, antispasmodics, and antihistamines, can contribute to dry skin conditions; check with your pharmacist or doctor and read the drug insert - you can get one from your pharmacist.

Skin gets exposed to the elements, especially in winter, causing it to become drier. Serious skin complications, including a dry skin condition, can arise for people with type 2 diabetes. When the oil glands do not supply enough lubrication to the skin, the skin becomes dehydrated.

Good nutrition from living foods - foods that are alive - will help your skin from the inside out. For an easy fiber boost, to help your skin, add one to two tablespoons of ground up flaxseeds to two or three apples and mix in your food processor. When the skin is dry and dehydrated, dead skin cells remain on the skin which may block pores and promote acne, zits, blemishes, or other breakouts; drink plenty of pure water.

Only use mild cleansers or mild soaps if you must use a soap or cleanser. Keep baths or showers short using warm, never hot water. Try using a humidifier if the air is dry and you have a severe skin condition.

Dry skin contributes to fine lines and wrinkles; coconut oil helps prevent the onset by keeping the skin soft and supple. Use coconut oil to remove your make-up at night, like I do; it leaves a fine layer of oil to nourish your skin all night long; but better yet, apply more coconut oil. After a soothing bath or shower at night just before bedtime, apply a thin layer of coconut oil over your entire body; it'll even last on your skin through your shower in the morning.

When you buy coconut oil, make sure you get the kind that hasn't been refined, processed and deodorized. Apply coconut oil daily to your skin to heal, moisturize and soothe it.

Functions of the skin are disturbed when it's not clean; it becomes more easily damaged, the release of antibacterial compounds decreases and it's more prone to develop infections. The skin supports its own ecosystem of microorganisms, including yeasts and bacteria, which cannot be removed by any amount of cleaning.

Call your skin doctor if dryness and itching are preventing you from sleeping. Make sure to call your skin doctor or dermatologist when you have any open cuts or sores from scratching that won't heal. Call your doctor or naturopath when your skin feels itchy all over your body, with or without a visible rash.

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