Society & Culture & Entertainment Religion & Spirituality

"The Warrior Princess" Series: Review

Sikhism history is filled with un-acclaimed heroines, women warriors, and real life princesses. True life stories of courageous Kaurs are brought to life in the pages of the Warrior Princess series, researched, and authored, by Harmeet Singh. Designed with his own little daughter in mind, the colorful illustrations (some provided by Vismaad Animations) and simple wording is especially appealing for young girls and boys just beginning to read. Books, which may be read online, are also printed in Gurmukhi, and a great aid for anyone of any age who is learning the original language of Sikhism.

"The Warrior Princess Bibi Dalair Kaur"

Bibi Daliar Kaur along with 100 Khalsa women and only 10 Khalsa men remained behind to keep the besieged Anandpur fort from being captured during evacuation when Guru Gobind Singh led the starving Sikhs on the flight from Anandpur. Dalair Kaur and her band of warrior princesses sacrificed their lives dearly to hold off a horde of invading Mughal soldiers who attempted to loot the fort.

The Warrior Princess Bibi Dalair Kaur Description:

  • Author Harmeet Singh
  • Illustrations by Vasmaad Mediatech
  • Published First Edition June 6, 2012
  • Copyright © 2012 Harmeet Singh

"The Warrior Princess Mata Bhaag Kaur"

Mata Bhaag Kaur roused, and rallied, 40 weary warriors who had forsaken Guru Gobind Singh during the siege and evacuation of Anandpur. She led them back into battle at Khirdana where they martyred themselves to in a heroic effort to save their guru. The valiant Bhaag Kaur survived to become the personal body guard of Guru Gobind Singh.

The Warrior Princess Mata Bhaag Kaur Description:

  • Author Harmeet Singh
  • Illustrations by Lucid Lane Pvt. Ltd.
  • Published First Edition November 14, 2012
  • Copyright © 2012 Harmeet SinghContact Info:

Warrior Princess Puzzle

Armed for battle, The Warrior Princess Mata Bhag Kaur and The 40 Liberated Ones gallop across the landscape of a 9 by 12 inch, 48 piece puzzle. Not just for little ones, the jigsaw puzzle is just challenging enough for a quick time out in the busy life of an adult. A puzzle backing imprinted with the outline of puzzle pieces insure that you won't have to watch the clock when you really should be working, and acts as guide for younger children new to the world of jigsaw puzzles. An envelope which holds the completed puzzle and backing is printed on one side with the puzzle picture, and the other side with a short story about Mai Bhago and the Maja Sikhs.
Contact Info:

Author Harmeet Singh Mission Statement

I asked Harmeet Singh, the author of the Warrior Princess series how he became interested in Sikh history and its illustrious women warriors, what inspired him to write their stories, and about his future goals. I share his mission statement with you below:

When [my daughter] was growing up and started to go to preschool, she was always interested in listening to Cinderella, Snow White, and other fictitious princesses stories. I was always wondering what I could do to have her show similar, or greater interest, in reading the stories of Sikh History. We have a lot of real princesses whose stories aren't documented, or even if they are, it is not for small kids. so I decided to write a book for her, to teach her the story. She loved the simple language and presentation of the story. So I started writing more.
My goal is to provide kids with enough tools for them to learn Gurmat and Gurbani in a very interesting, and exciting, way for them. I am working on researching other stories about Sikh women (as there is no research, or documentation available) and then also working on games as well. We already have a Jigsaw puzzle available on Mata Bhaag Kaur ji - Harmeet Singh
( is part of the About Group. For reprint requests be sure to mention if you are a non-profit organization or school.)

Disclosure: A review copy was provided by the publisher. For more information, please see our Ethics Policy.

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