Health & Medical Parenting

What to Look for in Software for Young Kids

For many people, the term “video game” conjures up images of first person shooters, violence, crude humor and other non-child-friendly content. Luckily, there is plenty of software available for your younger kids and some of it is actually quite good. You can find reviews of many child-friendly software packages on the Projects & Fun page, but it’s virtually impossible for us to review every piece of software on the market.

This list can help you decide what’s important as go about choosing software for kids, especially those under the age of 8.

Age-Appropriate Content

This may go without saying, but if the content isn’t appropriate, the game will be boring or too frustrating. Young children will respond to simple stories, rather than complicated scenarios. They do best without time constraints as it takes long for them to read instructions and navigate the screen.

Minimal to No Violence

Studies suggest that watching and/or engaging in violent media (even cartoon violence) has a negative impact on young children. After watching or playing, children showed more aggressive behavior than they did prior to the media exposure. Since their brains are still forming, repeated exposure to violent activities can actually impact their ability to choose a peaceful or a violent response.
In a nutshell, young children have plenty of non-violent video game options, so skip the first-person shooters with this age group.

Developmentally Appropriate Controls

Young children typically struggle with the fine motor skills necessary to use a mouse.

They tend to click two buttons instead of one, or the wrong button entirely. Some games require fast response times or intricate mouse and keyboard controls. Young kids will most likely find these types of games frustrating and pointless. Instead of fast-paced arcade-style games, start out with slower simulations, simple puzzles, or drawing programs where they can explore at their own pace. Alternative ways of navigating the screen, such as using the arrow keys instead of the mouse are helpful as well.

Some Educational Merit

Video Games and electronic toys for young kids should have some sort of educational component or involve open-ended creative play. Computer time is taking away from other types of learning/creative play, so it should have some redeeming aspects. This is not to say that you should choose software that is basically a virtual set of flash cards. A simulation may help a child learn to plan ahead, consider consequences and perform basic math. Virtual pet games can help kids learn about responsibility, animal care, and some basic biology. And of course any fun games that reinforce literacy, math, science, social studies or engineering might help them do better in school. In addition, less structured software such as drawing, music composition and design programs will provide a creative outlet.

Open-Ended Exploration

Open-ended exploration is an experience with no right or wrong answers and no specific path to follow. Drawing programs and those allowing for design (like architecture, landscaping, etc) are examples of open-ended software packages. Your child is free to create from their own imagination without being limited by a specific story, activity, or end result. Providing software like this for your kids is akin to giving them crayons or blocks.


Since there are so many fun ways to teach, explore and create on the computer, there’s just no excuse for software that isn’t entertaining at this age. Young children learn through play, so why should computer time be any different? If your kids don’t find a particular piece of software engaging, see if you can find something better.

Matches Values

If you can find a free demo of the software, you’ll want to try it out and make sure that it matches your family values, especially if you subscribe to more conservative beliefs. The ESRB rating system will help protect your kids from violence, suggestive themes and references to alcohol, drugs and tobacco, but it won’t tell you if there is any mention of religion, magic or similar content.

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