Health & Medical Diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes - Family History, Physical Activity and Metabolism

Metabolism basically, is the building up and breaking down of the body's molecules.
Diabetes is classified as a metabolic disease because the body has difficulty using sugar.
Sugar is not taken into cells adequately and cannot be broken down for energy.
A lifestyle with no, or irregular, physical activity makes for slower metabolism than an athletic lifestyle, and a family history of Type 2 diabetes can also influence the rate of metabolism.
Researchers at the University of Palermo in Italy looked at how much effect lifestyle could have upon the metabolism in women with and without a family history of Type 2 diabetes.
This particular study which was published in the journal Panminerva Medicine, December 2011, included:
  • 25 women without regular physical activity, or sedentary women, and 34 athletes with no family history of Type 2 diabetes,
  • 21 sedentary women and 15 athletes with distant relatives who had diabetes, and
  • 10 sedentary women and 11 athletes with close relatives who had Type 2 diabetes.
The basal metabolic rate, or the rate of using energy, the body weight, and amount of fat was measured in all the groups.
  • sedentary women, those with a family history of Type 2 had a significantly higher body weight and higher fat mass.
  • the athletic groups there was no difference in body weight or amount of fat.
  • those with a family history of Type 2 diabetes in close relatives, the athletes had a lower energy turnover than the sedentary women.
It was therefore concluded a family history of Type 2 diabetes influences metabolism, weight, and fat mass in women who have little physical activity.
Physical activity is good for everyone, and in those with parents or siblings who have Type 2, it is even more important.
Physical activity can be addictive, because it can cause the brain to make endorphins, substances similar to morphine.
Addiction to exercise is a good kind of addiction.
If you have Type 2 diabetes, then you can help your children and other close relatives by encouraging physical activity.
If the family gets together for Christmas or Hanukkah, one fun thing to do is to take everyone for a walk to see the lawn decorations.
Once people get used to walking, they might find they like it enough to keep it up as a daily activity.
Gifts that encourage going outside and playing, such as a ball, mitt, or glove, will help your family get more exercise than video games.
Did you play hopscotch as a kid? Why not get some chalk and teach it to your children or grandchildren? If you are related to someone with Type 2 diabetes, especially if it is a parent, sister, or brother, make a point of getting out and smelling the fresh air every day.
Look at the lights and Santa Clauses on your neighbors' lawns and pretend you are the judge for the best decorations of the year.

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