Some subjects are better left to private places, and admittedly toenail fungus has to be one of them. There are more people than you realize who contract this type of fungal infection. Since this is a fungus infection that has gone out of contro, it should be considered seriously and treated. If you let the infection continue, then additional problems could come up such as loss of finger and toenails. This fungus also may occur in your fingernails, although it usually develops in toenails. Higher humidity with low light encourages the development of this fungus, and that is why it is known as toenail fungus. Toenail fungus also have to be treated because it is infectious not only to other people but can spread out in your body.
Among the initial symptoms of toenail fungus is a discolored nail. There are people who may dismiss this because it appears like slightly dirty nails. A telltale giveaway with it, though, is those spots cannot be removed. And so that is one way you can remember the signs of the infection. That is something you will not be able to do with rubbing. Most of us are aware of what a smashed nail looks like, it becomes dark or black; that is what the toenail fungal infection will develop into. You can rapidly treat this fungus with a medication you can purchase at the store, or possibly have your physician treat it.
If you ignore the toenail fungus, then there will be further complications. You'll discover a variety of symptoms as things become more serious, and some people experience having serious toenail thinning. But then again, you'll see that there are people who have their nails thicken from the infection. Other symptoms of more serious problems include flaking, cracking, and easily damaged nails. Of course pretty soon the entire nail is going to fall off, which is highly unwanted for anyone. The infected nail will begin to smell awful as the infection grows under the toenail.
Other symptoms include pain which may be a very real problem with toenails and putting on shoes. What makes it difficult to see straightaway is the fact that the fungus starts to accumulate and develop under the nail. What takes place is the fungus starts metabolizing the nail because it is feeding on the keratin protein within in the toenaail. In general, toenail fungus survives extremely well in humid areas far from light. Some of the more common causes of toenail fungus are bad nail hygiene or even always wearing shoes that fit too tightly. Optimal growth conditions could take place as a consequence of a skin pH that is outside of what is typical.
You can generally stop toenail fungus from developing in the first place through good hygiene and nail care. However it is important to realize that toenail fungus can spread from other people directly to you or from wet community conditions. Treating toenail fungus can be done either topically or taking drugs that have to be taken orally.
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