Surgery is a common way to treat many types of cancer. Whether it be major or minor surgery, there are several matters that must be addressed before your procedure is done. From financial planning to ensuring you understand the risks, many factors can go into having a successful surgical experience.
Here are ten questions to ask yourself before you have cancer surgery. If you can answer them with confidence and full understanding, then you have covered your surgical bases and well on your way to becoming an empowered patient!
1. Have You Chosen The Best Surgeon for Your Cancer Surgery?
Did you know that you can choose your surgeon? You may be bound by the physicians in your insurance network, but you are not required to choose a surgeon your doctor recommends. Most people naturally assume that they are committed to their doctor's recommendations, but this certainly isn't true. How to Choose the Best Surgeon for Your Surgery
2. Does Your Anethesiologist Know Everything They Need to Know?
During your pre-op appointment, you will meet with your anesthesiologist, who is responsible for administering your anesthesia during surgery. You should know that many factors go into what type of anesthesia is used and the dosage, so it is vital that your anesthesiologist be aware critical information concerning your medical history. What Your Anesthesiologist Needs to Know
3. Are You Asking Your Anesthesiologist the Right Questions?
Your aneshesiologist may ask you a lot of questions, but are you asking him any? If you are, are you asking the right ones? Questions You Should Ask Your Anesthesiologist Before Surgery
4. Did You Know You Have The Right To Refuse Surgery?
Your doctor may recommend surgery, but in most cases you do not have to follow his advice. You can get a second opinion or find that you do not want to have surgery. Many people do not realize that they have the right to refuse surgery. Your Right To Refuse Surgery Explained
5. Are You Aware of the Costs of Your Surgery and Insurance Coverage?
Information about cost and insurance coverage should be the first thing on your list to research after being told that you need surgery. Your doctor's office administrative staff, hospital, and your personal insurance provider will be able to help you undertand the surgical costs and how your insurance may or may not provide coverage. Don't forget costs like prescription medications after your hospital discharge and any home medical equipment you may need. Surgery Costs and Insurance Coverage
6. What Are You Allowed To Bring With You To The Hospital for Your Stay?
Packing for a hospital stay after cancer surgery can be stressful. It's easy to underpack and overpack. Should you bring your iPod? Are laptop computers allowed? Many items that you consider necessary may not be permitted for use in the hospital. What are You Allowed to Bring to the Hospital?
7. Do You Completely Understand the Risks?
There are always risks associated with surgery, but do you understand what they are? When having surgery, you will be asked to sign a form called an 'informed consent' document. This means that you understand all the risk associated with your surgery and other pertinent information. Before you sign, make sure you understand the risks involved with your surgery. Common Surgical Risks
8. Are You Allowed to Eat or Drink Before Surgery?
This is an important rule of surgery! If you break it, then you may have to reschedule your surgery. Depending on your surgery, you may or may not be able to eat or drink after a certain time. Why Can't I Eat Before Surgery?
9. Do You Know What Tests You Need Before Surgery and Why?
Pre-op tests are important for both your surgeon and anesthesiologists. What tests you have before your surgery depend on many factors like your age, other health concerns, and what kind of surgery you are having. Common Pre-Op Test and Why You Need Them
10. How Should You Cope with Surgery Anxiety?
Feeling scared or anxious about our surgery is completely normal. You don't want to allow yourself to become so anious or nervous that you have sencond thoughts about your surgery or even cancel your procedure. Check out these tips for calming your surgical anxiety.