Stress - do we need it? So the stress of modern life is getting to you, whether its bills, a nasty boss or work colleague, too much to do, too little time, noise, pollution, feeling undervalued, unloved, not appreciated or whatever reason, there is a way out, and you can find that combatting stress is surprisingly easy.
Never forget that you are the captain of your ship and you decide what the state of the water is.
Calm, peaceful, restful, let your worries go, there is no reason to overdo the concerns above what is practical.
"Life is what you make it", may sound like a tired old cliché' but it is just that, "What you make it.
" You can ease stress.
Take evasive action, avoid the obviously stressful, and it comes from all directions: poor eating habits, toxic intake of drugs, alcohol, coffee, junk food, negative friends or colleagues, your own negative thoughts, watching too much TV, (have you noticed how almost all the soaps concentrate on grief and misery.
) Lack of exercise is another reason for feeling down.
If you do some form of moderately strenuous exercise, (see your doctor first if in doubt) say ½ an hour 3 times a week it will lift your spirits, eliminate the stress and give you a new zest for life, more energy and a real feel good factor.
Worry, the unnecessary kind, is not helpful in any way.
It means you are going over and over the same fears that are usually only what you are afraid might happen and not the eventual outcome.
The definition of worry is anxiety over something we can do nothing about.
Try and reverse the worry/stress cycle and be an optimistic realist, where you expect the best to happen, though if it doesn't, look for the positives in the results anyway and find gold amongst the dross.
Play some uplifting music, write a letter to a friend, go out into nature and feel the peace and oneness that you are an integral part of.
See the natural leisurely pace of clouds, meandering streams, the calming effect of nature can supply all you need to zap stress and appreciate the beauty of life.
Read inspiring books magazines articles, that put life into perspective, read funny books and articles, let your zany side have it's say.
Laugh at stress, laughter is more than just a tonic, when you laugh you aren't thinking, which can have a profound effect on your spirituality.
Meditation can also soothe the worried brow, Choose a quiet place, preferably your own private space where you won't be disturbed, create an atmosphere of peace, flowers, an ornament, whatever gives you that safe, comfortable feeling.
Eat lightly before you meditate, be quiet and calm, try to anticipate the serene calming feeling that meditation can bring.
Seated on a raised cushion or in an armchair if you prefer.
take three deep breaths and exhale fully, allowing your body to relax.
Allow a few seconds to centre yourself and then begin.
Following the breath is one of the easiest and most effective methods for meditation and clearing stress.
Just make yourself as comfortable as you can,Just close your eyes a little, so you are able to see about one third of normal vision, that will help stop you from falling asleep.
Now breath deeply and smoothly, without forcing or straining, just imagine your breath being velvety smooth, soothing and calming.
Simply follow the breath as you let it flow in and out, softly and smoothly.
Twenty minutes, morning and evening will give you a calming base, do remember though that deep, smooth breathing can be used any time, to rid yourself of stress to ground you and make you take your foot off the pedal.
I like Buddha's quote on the subject which says " There is no way to Happiness, but Happiness is the way".
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