Health & Medical Diabetes

Sedentary Lifestyles Are Deadly - 5 Ways To Break Your Sedentary Lifestyle

Many governments around the world are extremely concerned about the pressure that illnesses and diseases related to sedentary lifestyles are placing on their healthcare systems. The medical term, sedentary lifestyle, describes a lifestyle where there is none, or at least, very little activity of a physical nature by an individual. We often refer to such physically inactive persons as "couch potatoes." Any type of activity where a person is sitting or lying for long periods of time is considered to be a sedentary activity. This could include reading, watching television, and using a computer. If this describes you, then you are likely living a sedentary lifestyle, and that is not a good thing because it can lead to a number of preventable but serious health problems, including an early death.

The disease/illnesses that you may be a risk for are:

Anxiety disorder

Colon cancer




Lipid disorders

Kidney stones

Early death risk is 30% higher in elderly men and doubled in women


Mortality risk in elderly men is increased by 30% and doubled in women

Even though the benefits of regular exercise and vigorous physical activity are well-documented, a large percentage of both adults and children lead sedentary lifestyles. One of the negative effects of being sedentary is muscle atrophy. The muscles actually shrink and become weak, which can then lead to an individual being at higher risk of. physical injury. An example that I often think of is the son of a friend of mine. This young man is in extremely poor physical condition, including being very obese. He is a classic example of a person living a sedentary lifestyle. I recall an occasion when he accompanied his father to a driving range. On his first swing of the golf club he pulled the muscles in his back and ended up in severe pain for weeks afterward. It was pretty clear at that time that because of his extreme lack of regular exercise or any physical activity, his back muscles had atrophied and were extremely weak. Interestingly, individuals who are sedentary often suffer from back pain and injuries.

Needless to say, back pain and injury are minor problems compared to some of the very real and serious illnesses that I listed above and that sedentary individulas are at very high risk of suffering from, including an early death. Therefore, if you're living the classic "couch potato" existence, that is a sedentary lifestyle, then you'd be wise to do something to get yourself physically active, and soon. Below are five suggestions that I think will help you to do so.

1) Make your housework a physical challenge. Don't hire anyone to do your household chores, such as cleaning, cutting grass, gardening, snow removal, painting, etc. Do all of these chores yourself and do them with all of the enthusiasm you can muster. For once, break a sweat vacuuming. You'll feel better for it.

2) Clean the house like a mad woman (or man). We've all got chores to do around the house. So, why not do them with real vigor? Instead of taking 2 or 3 hours to clean the house, really get moving and finish the job in 1 hour. How about getting outside in the fall and raking up those leaves, instead of asking the next door neighbor's kid to do it. And, when winter dumps a foot or two of snow on your driveway and sidewalks around the house, you get outside and clear the snow. Fresh air and exercise is a great combination.

3) Make your health and fitness a priority in your life. I doubt that you would choose early death as a priority. But, if you're not getting enough physical activity, then that may just be what you're doing. Instead of that, choose to live healthy, fitter, happier, and much longer. Use your calendar to schedule in your daily exercise periods and then stick to the schedule. Hate exercise? Then schedule it in as your first activity after getting out of bed in the morning, and then get out of bed 30 minutes earlier than you normally would. It won't kill you, so get to it!

4) Get a friend to workout with you. You don't like to exercise on your own, right? If that's been your excuse up to now, then stop making it and get a friend to accompany you on your walk around the block, or your trip to the gym, or your hike in the park, or whatever it is that you're doing to break the sedentary lifestyle and get more physically active. Having a fitness buddy is a great way to accomplish a goal along with the help and encouragement of another person and it will also give both of you an opportunity to strengthen a friendship.

5) Exercise while you watch TV or listen to an audio book. There's no law that says you must be inactive while watching television. Get yourself an exercise bike or a treadmill and you can do some peddling or walking while you watch your favorite television shows. If you like reading, purchase an audio book and listen to your favorite author while you're treading away on the treadmill. Be sure to check your local classified ads to pick up great deals on used fitness equipment.

These suggestions are super easy to put into use. Choose one, or all of them if you like. Whatever you decide, the point is that you need to start doing something because you certainaly don't want to get ill or die young because you were leading a sedentary lifestyle.

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