Technology Networking & Internet

How to Get Questions Answered Using Cha-Cha

    • 1). Begin by opening a text message window on your cell phone. This will ask you for a phone number to send the text message to. Type in the numbers 242242. The corresponding letters to these numbers spell out "Cha-Cha".

    • 2). Ask the Cha-Cha representative a question. They can answer factual questions "What are the symptoms of strep throat?", opinion questions like "Do you think Obama is doing a good job?" and personal questions like "Does my professor know I lied?".

    • 3). If you do not have a cell phone or know how to send text messages, you can visit the website There, you can type in your question and previously answered questions that are similar to your question will pop up. In most cases, the question you're asking has already been asked and these pre-set answers are appropriate.

    • 4). When you ask a factual question, you will get a text message response citing the information source used to find the answer. If you ask an opinion question, you will get the opinion of whichever specialist receives your question. Finally, personal questions may give you vague answers, but they are entertaining none the less.

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