Health & Medical Dental & Oral

Coping With Xerostomia or Dry Mouth

The weather is extremely hot, and you are suffering from dry mouth.
There is a deep desire to drink a lot of water.
The indication is clear; your body is sending a message to you that lost fluids need to be replaced.
This is a very normal phenomenon, however, and really, nothing to get worried about.
What constitutes an abnormal occurrence is a constant feeling of dryness in your mouth, regardless of weather conditions.
Alternatively, you might experience a burning sensation within your oral cavity, or even soreness.
Trying to consume foods without the aid of plenty of water becomes a painful task.
This will naturally lead to an increasing aversion to dry foods, over time.
Even ordinary swallowing is not possible without sipping or drinking water.
Finally, there could be a sensation of altered taste, or even a total loss of taste.
The above-mentioned symptoms are difficult to comprehend, considering that there is a clear liquid named "Saliva" that is constantly circulating within the mouth.
Secreted by the salivary glands and mucous glands within the mouth, its basic function is to keep the mouth moist at all times by bathing the oral mucous membranes.
Surprisingly, the constant presence of saliva or its quantity is not guaranteed.
It is possible, that at some point or other in your life, the amount of saliva reduces, or the liquid vanishes altogether.
This can become a cause for concern, because you are now a victim of dry mouth or Xerostomia.
Saliva does not just keep the mouth moist, but also performs a variety of life-sustaining functions.
It is a combination of electrolytes, water, and proteins.
Would you believe the number of tasks taken over by these constituents within your saliva? They help to lubricate, protect, and irrigate the mucous membranes located at the upper part of the alimentary canal; facilitate swallowing; heighten taste; aid in speech; and protect the teeth from harmful bacteria or dental caries via their buffering and microbial actions.
Thus, in the absence of such an important component within your mouth, you will end up with a very gloomy outlook on life.
It would be worthwhile to understand how Xerostomia can occur.
It is not necessary that your salivary glands have drastically reduced their output of saliva; your symptoms can show up, regardless.
Check out the medications you have been using for your health ailments.
Some of them tend to induce dry mouth as a side effect, due to their pharmacological activities.
It is possible that you are suffering from Sjogren's syndrome, a condition exhibiting dry eyes and dry mouth.
Xerostomia then, becomes possible.
A connective tissue disease or rheumatoid arthritis can be associated with this illness, too.
It might astound you to realize that Xerostomia can accompany a number of disease conditions as a complication-vasculitis, renal dialysis, primary biliary cirrhosis, type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, bone marrow transplantation, radiation therapy to the neck or head, HIV, AIDS, anxiety, depression, chronic active hepatitis, or graft versus host disease.
Considering that you cannot think of a cure yourself, for your condition, it is time to visit the dentist.
The ensuing examination of your oral cavity can reveal the following-parched and erythematous oral tissues; atrophied filiform papillae; or a tongue that is fissured, erythematous and pebbled, or cobblestoned.
The fungus, Candida albicans, loves to make its home within a dry mouth and the oropharynx, resulting in candidiasis or thrush.
Without saliva, the teeth become susceptible to dental caries, loosening, or denture discomfort.
However, what will really drive people away is bad breath.
Saliva begins digestion of starches within the mouth, and in its absence, the odor-causing particles just stay where they are.
The treatment offered for Xerostomia or dry mouth, is at its best, palliative in nature.
Your dentist tries to ensure relief from existing symptoms and prevention of further oral complications: 1.
Medications that can be taken are Evoxac and Salagen, both approved by the FDA for treatment of Xerostomia with Sjogren's syndrome.
Prescription of an alternative medication in place of the original drug that caused this condition 3.
Good habits to combat gum disease and tooth decay-brushing of teeth twice daily, with additional brushing after every meal; daily flossing; usage of a dry mouth toothpastes containing fluoride; maintaining healthy teeth via the utilization of fluoride gel or fluoride dry mouth rinses; and six-monthly visits to the family dentist.
Prescription of artificial saliva products, such as dry mouth rinses or sprays, moisturizing gels, mouthwashes, and specific dry mouth toothpastes 5.
Finally, if all goes well, sufferers like you can look forward to the implantation of an artificial salivary gland within the oral cavity, in the not-so-distant future.

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