When you talk of public speaking, a lot of individuals know that it is one of the most feared activities.
Hence, it is not discriminating anyone from being struck by sudden nervousness whenever they are asked to face the crowd or stand in the center of the stage.
Practice is a proven and tested method for conquering fear of public speaking.
However, what people don't know is there is another way to ease your nervousness and not eat you up while you are talking to your audience.
Breathing can help you make yourself comfortable before and during your presentation.
You can start by learning to breathe with the support of your diaphragm.
This may sound simple but you might be shocked about the truth of the matter.
Go through the rest of this article so you will know the secrets to getting rid or nervousness.
If you try to stand and face the mirror without your shirt on, take a deep breathe.
Now answer some of these questions after doing it, did your shoulders rise? What happened to your chest, did it throw out? Were you able to suck your gut? Well if you answered yes to all of these queries then here is the news for you, you do not know how to breathe properly.
Like most individuals who are known for being shallow or sluggish breathers, they are confidently claiming that they are doing it the right way.
This is totally untrue! According to statistics only.
1% of the population knows how to breathe correctly.
And sorry to hear that you do not belong to them.
While you are still young, you are actually breathing the right way.
But when you begin to grow up nearing your adolescent stage, you tend to follow the footsteps of your parents.
If your loved ones are known for being lazy breathers, then you will surely become one of them.
Do not every deny it because studies show that this is a normal occurrence but it should not be tolerated.
However, you might be wondering why is it very important to do diaphragmatic breathing? How can it help you eliminate the nervousness in public speaking? Here's what you need to know, lazy or shallow breathers can actually shoot up your stress simply because you can not eliminate toxins in your body.
But rather, it boosts its level of toxins which is the main cause for stress.
Never heard of it right? So you better believe on this now.
Knowing how to breathe with support will help decrease your stress and overcome your nervousness in public speaking.
You will know that you are attacked by anxiety if can feel the adrenaline rush that can increase to a higher level.
Do not try to get rid of it but rather let it work as it is.
Once you have mastered the art of proper breathing and controlling your nervousness, then you will surely be confident presenting in front of your superiors.
Bear in mind that this is a common predicament of every person.
Nervousness in public speaking can hit anybody-and you are not exempted!
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