Health & Medical Dental & Oral

Tooth Enamel 101: What Damages It and How to Preserve It

How Can I Protect My Tooth Enamel? The enamel on your teeth acts like a force field in a science fiction movie.
Whenever you bite down on hard objects, the enamel on your teeth cushions the blow.
It also acts like the insulation around your home.
It protects your teeth from damage caused by extreme temperatures in the foods you eat or drink.
Your tooth enamel is your teeth's first line of defense against damage.
Yet although it is one tough cookie, it does have one weakness.
It is vulnerable to erosion.
Once erosion eats your tooth enamel away, it is gone for good.
It isn't like your skin or other parts of your body that are made of living cells.
It cannot regrow.
You can, however, take some steps to stop erosion in its tracks.
Know the Facts about Enamel Erosion Like in the Earth's environment, there are chemical and physical causes of erosion in your mouth.
If you grind your teeth, or if your bite is at an angle which causes excess friction when you bite and chew your food, you may be vulnerable to erosion due to physical causes.
Chemical causes of erosion are both intrinsic and extrinsic.
Intrinsic causes of chemical enamel erosion are conditions which affect the chemical balance inside your mouth.
Acid reflux disease or other gastrointestinal disorders, chronic dry mouth, chronic stress, or eating disorders can skew your mouth's normal chemical balance and produce harmful acids that can eat away at your tooth enamel over time.
Extrinsic causes of erosion, however, are the most likely culprits.
When you eat food or drink beverages that are high in acid content on a regular basis, particularly if you forget to brush your teeth immediately after eating, your mouth will have a high acid content.
Over time, that can do some serious damage to your tooth enamel.
Here are some foods and beverages whose high acid content can wreak havoc with the enamel on your teeth:
  • Sodas and other soft drinks
  • Fruit juices and other fruit drinks
  • Foods that are high in carbohydrate content
  • Candy, sugar, and honey
  • Alcoholic beverages
Know the Warning Signs of Enamel Erosion Unlike your favorite science fiction movie, there are no klaxons in your mouth warning you about incoming objects that may imperil your tooth enamel.
You will have to check your mouth regularly for signs that some of these damaging condition have broken through your teeth's protective barrier.
Here are warning signs that alert you to enamel breakdown.
  • Discolored teeth: If your pearly whites aren't so pearly white any more, the culprit may be what you are eating, drinking, or smoking.
    If your teeth are discolored, your enamel may be stretched thin.
  • Sensitive Teeth: Your tooth enamel functions as an insulator.
    If your teeth hurt when you drink hot and cold beverages, that's a clear warning sign that your tooth enamel may be breaking down.
  • "Cupped" Teeth: Look closely at the surface of your teeth in the mirror.
    If the surface has some pockmarks or other indentations, this condition, called "cupping," is another sign that some of your tooth enamel has eroded away.
Protect Your Tooth Enamel By Following Some Easy Tips If you find that your tooth enamel shows signs of breakdown, don't panic.
Take these easy steps to reduce further damage and protect the rest of your tooth enamel from erosion:
  • Drink plenty of water-at least 8 glasses per day.
  • Cut down on the amounts of acidic foods and drinks you consume.
  • When you do drink acidic drinks, sip them through a straw and brush afterward.
  • Brush your teeth twice daily.
  • Floss your teeth once daily.
  • Increase the saliva in your mouth by chewing sugar-free gum.
  • Use a mouthwash containing fluoride.
If, however, you think that your tooth enamel erosion may have a physical cause, make an appointment with your dentist.
Your dental professional will be able to determine if you have a problem with tooth grinding or the angle of your bite and give you options to deal with these issues.
If, on the other hand, you suspect that you may have a gastrointestinal disorder, a stress disorder, or an eating disorder that may be causing your enamel to decay, ask your dentist to recommend a medical professional that can diagnose and treat any underlying issues.
Finally, if you discover that your tooth enamel has some severe damage, there are options.
Tooth restoration may help you get your mouth back to good health.
Call your dentist for more information about how you can prevent damage to your tooth enamel.

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