An interesting volume published in Italy "History of al-Rawhi Qurasi.
A descendant of Muhammad who chose to become Christian" is raising the attention of a number of orientalists.
The book seeks to engage various debates surrounding Islam and its lack of tolerance versus apostates condemned of being murdered following the Muhammad Hadiths and Koran.
Two researchers of the Turin University, thanks to the valuable philological work, have published a spiritual journey of a man who had the audacity to listen his heart even to martyrdom.
Rawhi al-Qurashi, a direct descendant of Islam Prophet Muhammad, discovered a new path in his life, and decided to follow Jesus to make Him King of his own heart.
The fate of martyrdom of an Islam apostate, those who dare to leave the religion of Mohammed attracted by light of Christ.
In the middle of the night appeared to Rawhi the Madonna, Mother of light, which came up to his head and woke him up.
He described this vision of Holy Virgin standing, dressed in purple with a reassuring face.
She touched his hand and said: "Do not be sad because I will be together with you.
" Rawhi was then condemned of being beheaded as apostate.
Due to changes that have occurred in the Second Vatican Council, with some misinterpretation of the relationships with Islam world and some disorder like for instance the assumption that Christian and Muslims are praying the same God (Nostrae Aetate), Church seems having forgot this brave neo-martyr.
For fearing of revenge and in order to maintain a diplomatic relations, the Vatican is pursuing an unclear strategy with Islamists.
Where this policy will bring church can be glimpsed in the fog of useless words.
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