Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Clean, Push and Press

Clean, Push and Press

Updated May 01, 2014.

The clean, push and press is a combination exercise putting together exercises that make up the foundation of kettlebell training: The clean and the push-press. This dynamic exercise works the lower body as well as the core, which works hard to keep your body stabilized throughout the movement. The shoulders and arms get a great workout as well, making
  1. Hold a medium-heavy kettlebell in the right hand, feet hip-width apart, with the arm straight.

  1. Lower into a squat with the torso upright and the abs braced.
  2. Thrust the hips up as you come up, pulling the kettlebell straight up.
  3. Rotate the elbow down as you pull the kettlebell up, catching it at shoulder height.
  4. Absorb the weight of the kettlebell and the movement by squatting slightly, keeping the wrist neutral.
  5. In your squat position and with the weight at shoulder level, thrust the hips up to help you push the weight over the head.
  6. Lower the weight and repeat for 8-16 reps before switching sides.

Lateral Kettlebell Swing

Updated May 01, 2014.

This lateral kettlebell swing is an excellent way to add intensity to the traditional kettlebell swing. Caution: This is an advanced exercise, so make sure you get one-on-one instruction and/or review the basics of kettlebell training and how to get started with kettlebell training before trying this or any other kettlebell exercise. You can also try this without a weight or with a very light weight to practice your form.

  1. Hold a ketllebell in both hands with legs hip-width apart. Practice a few two arm swings to get a feel for the weight and the movement.
  2. Begin the exercise by stepping to the left into a squat, swinging the weight between the legs (arms should touch the inner thighs).
  3. At the bottom of the movement shift your weight back and thrust up through the hips to bring the weight up to about shoulder level as you step the right foot next to the left.
  4. Step to the left again as you squat, swinging the weight between the legs.
  5. Thrust through the hips as you come up, stepping the right foot in and swinging the weight all the way up over the head (or to shoulder level, if that's more comfortable).
  6. Bring the weight down and take the lateral squats and kettlebell swings to the right for a total of 8 laps.
  7. One lap includes: Step, squat and downswing, step together upswing to the shoulders, step, squat and downswing, step together upswing to over the head.

Kettlebell Throw

Updated May 01, 2014.

Similar to a kettlebell swing, the throw is a total body exercise that tests your power, stamina and cardio endurance. This version is a good choice for beginning kettlebellers because you hold the bell on either side of the handle (or on the 'horns'). That gives you more control over the weight and may make it easier to perfect the motion.
  1. Hold a medium-heavy kettlebell on either side of the handle (or on the 'horns').

  1. Squat and swing the weight back between the knees, keeping the abs braced and the back straight.
  2. Shift the weight back into your heels and thrust the hips forward, using the power of your lower body to help swing the weight over the head.
  3. Pause at the top, looking up at the weight.
  4. Let the weight swing back down, keeping control of the movement.
  5. Repeat for 1-3 sets of 12-16 reps.

Kettlebell Single Arm Overhead Swing

Updated May 01, 2014.

The overhead swing is a more advanced version of the one-armed swing, a challenging, powerful move that targets the hips, glutes and thighs as well as the shoulder and arm. You may want to choose a lighter weight for this move and do a few practice swings before taking the weight all the way overhead. Make sure you brace your wrist to keep the kettlebell upright at the top of the movement.
  1. Holding a light-medium kettlebell in the right hand, squat and swing the weight back between the knees.

  1. Keep the abs braced and the back straight.
  2. Thrust the hips forward, using the power of your lower body to swing the kettlebell up overhead, keeping the arm straight.
  3. At the top of the movement, the arm should be in a straight line with the kettlebell directly over the shoulder, wrist straight and strong.
  4. Swing the weight back down, using your arm to control the momentum and repeat for 1-3 sets of 8-16 reps before switching sides.

Updated May 01, 2014.

This is one of my favorite kettlebell exercises because it's dynamic, fluid and it targets the lower body as well as the biceps. The biceps curl will really challenge your forearm and wrist strength as you work to keep the kettlebell upright and stable. You may want to practice this move with a lighter weight to perfect the move.
  1. Hold a medium kettlebell in the right hand by your side.
  2. Step to the right and lower into a squat, swinging the weight between the knees.

  1. Step the feet back together as you thrust the hips forward, swinging the weight up into a biceps curl.
  2. At the end of the movement, the bottom of the kettlebell should be pointing straight up with the wrist strong and straight.
  3. Repeat for 8-6 reps before switching sides, completing 1-3 sets.

Updated May 01, 2014.

This exercise is not only great for the glutes, hips, thighs and the biceps, it's also a great cardio exercise. Start with a light weight to get your form down before moving on to a heavier weight.
  1. Stand on a step or platform holding a kettlebell (or dumbbell) in the right hand in the rack position (that is elbow bent, weight in front of the shoulder and the wrist neutral).
  2. Squat to the right off the step as you rotate the arm, extending it and taking the weight down towards the floor.

  1. Use the power of your legs and hips to power back onto the step as you bring the weight back into the rack position.
  2. Focus on using your lower body to power through this move, rather than just your arms.
  3. Repeat for 1-3 sets of 10-16 reps on each side.

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