Health & Medical sports & Exercise

How to Use the Kettlebells? Some Tips

Kettlebells are cannonball-shaped weights with a loop like handle at the top.
A kettlebell looks like a kettle without a spout.
These are made of cast iron and come in different ranges of weight from 4 to 150 pounds.
Although kettlebell training is one of the ancient methods of exercises, of late it's catching up with the sports persons and the general fitness enthusiasts alike.
The Russian military and Special Forces used kettlebells for strength training.
As you workout the whole body during the exercise, it's great for both muscular and cardiovascular systems.
The exercises improve strength, endurance, agility, balance and core stability.
The swing, the snatch and the clean jerk are the basic movements of the kettlebells workout.
However, you have to be very cautious while using the heavy kettlebells.
Despite its immense health benefits, if it is not practiced properly, it may cause grievous injuries.
So keep in mind the following tips to come out unscathed after the exercises.
Too heavy too early: In a zeal to acquire a chiseled body with lean muscles, beginners try to lift too heavy a kettlebell without knowing how to control it.
In fact, they are carried away by the achievements of others.
By doing so they injure their joints especially neck, back and spine.
You can go for heavier weights in due course but not in the initial period.
Feet firmly on the ground: Your body weight should be balanced with the feet firmly planted on the ground while lifting the bell.
A few exercises require movement of your foot but even then the load-bearing foot should be firmly planted on the ground.
Never ever raise the heels while lifting kettlebells.
Back your back: Though strengthening of the back is one of the major benefits of the kettlebell exercise, the back should always be kept straight without transferring any load to it.
If you arch your back while lifting, it puts pressure on the intervertebrae joints causing potential injuries.
Bend hips: The hips have to be worked out while lifting the weight.
The body should be bent at the hips.
You should not lift the bell with an arched back and slouched shoulders.
No hyperextension: While you are working out, ensure that the joints do not move to an angle beyond its natural limits.
If it happens, it is likely to strain the ligaments.
The kettlebells should be balanced in such a way that no hyperextension of the joints occurs.
Even the minute details of the kettlebell exercise regimen have to be taken care of in order to get maximum benefit without any injuries.
Hence it is advisable to practice under the watchful eyes of a personal trainer.
Kettlebell training is offered both as individual and group fitness programs.
As individual attention is needed, the groups usually have limited members.
Opting for group fitness program with small group ensures the service of a personal trainer at a discounted price.
But make it a point to hire the service of a qualified trainer.

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