Muriel E. Bowser (Democrat) was elected as DC Mayor in November 2014. She has served as a DC Council member (Ward 4) since 2007. Bowser began her service in DC elective office as an Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner for her Riggs Park neighborhood, and was elected Ward 4 Councilmember in a special election in 2007, re-elected in 2008, and again in 2012.
Education: Bowser, a native Washingtonian, earned a Bachelor of Arts in History from Chatham College and a Master’s degree in Public Policy from American University.
DC Council Experience and Leadership
Councilmember Bowser currently chairs the Council’s Committee on Economic Development. She also serves as a member and chair of the Transportation Planning Board of the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments and is a member of the Board of Directors of Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority. In prior terms, she has served as Chairman of the Committee on Government Operations, the Committee on Parks and Recreation and the Committee on Public Services and Consumer Affairs.
As chair of the Council’s Committee on Economic Development, Bowser has demonstrated leadership by facilitating the creation of hundreds of housing units, including affordable housing. She worked with business owners and real estate developers to help open dozens of new stores, restaurants and small businesses. She has facilitated the transformation of two public library branches (Takoma and Petworth), renovation of recreation centers at Riggs, LaSalle and Raymond, and development of new parks and ballfields at Shepherd Park, LaSalle, Fort Stevens, Takoma, Hamilton, and Emery.
Bowser created the Walter Reed Community Advisory Committee to ensure that the community has a voice during the redevelopment process. As a member and chair of the Transportation Planning Board of the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, Bowser has fought to improve transportation services across the capital region. In 2013, she created Kids Ride Free, legislation allowing all DC students free bus rides to school. Other issues that she is passionate about include higher quality education, stronger public safety and caring for senior citizens.
Muriel Bowser’s Campaign
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