- 1). Contact all local attorneys in the areas which you are looking for homes. Attorneys often have leads on probate homes before they are listed. In fact, it is often the attorney that aids the heirs in selling a home in probate. Take the time to visit local attorneys, drop off a business card or flyer, and ask them to contact you right away should a home become available. The more professional you appear, the better chances you have at gaining their confidence and business. Be sure to dress professionally and have professional material, such as flyers, brochures, business cards, etc.
- 2). Check court filings daily. Many counties have online access to court filings. Go to your county website and choose the "Probate" option. If your county services are not online, you can visit your county courthouse in person. Ask for the probate division. Once there, explain you are looking for recent probate filings. In these filings, you will come across a contact name and number, for either an individual or an attorney. It is always best to contact the attorney first.
- 3). Network with real estate agents and mortgage lenders in the business. These people have contacts that lead them to being the first contact person for people who find themselves with a house in probate they need to sell. There are many, many real estate agents and mortgage lenders out there, so network with all of them. Sending them your information is great, but personal visits are even better. A combination of both methods ensures you stay in the front of their mind when a potential lead comes up.