Home & Garden Pest Control

The Dreaded Black Widow (A Serious Health Concern)

"Come into my parlor said the spider to the fly," is an often quoted saying. WhoeverWestern Black Widow Female originated it may have had this creature in mind. The mere thought of the Black Widow causes most of us to pause and even strikes fear in the hearts of some folks.

Contrary to urban legend, Black Widows do not aggressively come out to bite us. They are shy creatures that prefer to avoid contact with us or any creatures that may pose a threat to them. If disturbed, as with any spider, Black Widows will flee to a The Black Widow male is harmless to humans.sheltered area and wait until whatever caused it to flee has passed. They tend to inhabit secluded areas, usually low to the ground, where, they are likely to avoid detection. It is this habit, however, that is the main problem. Bites usually occur when unsuspecting humans put their unprotected hands, bare feet, etc. in secluded areas, such as wood piles, shrubs & ground cover plants, rarely used boxes, occasionally used personal articles, like boots shoes stored in dark places, etc. Children's play equipment can harbor Black Widows too: Things like sand boxes, swings, play houses, etc. can have areas where these spiders may hide. Be sure to wear gloves when working in areas where Black Widows may harbor. Check footwear, that hasn't been used for some time, prior to wearing it. Periodically check children's toys and recreational equipment to minimize the chance of an unfortunate encounter.

It is the female that poses the threat when she comes in contact with humans. The bite of the Black widow may initially inflict a sharp pain or, in some cases, may not be noticed at all. However, as the venom spreads through the body, it wreaks havoc and can cause debilitating pain. Although the venom is not fatal for most people, the very young, the very old and those with hypertension can be at risk. It is important for anyone who has been bitten, regardless of age or medical condition, to seek immediate medical attention.

Photos licensed under the Creative CommonsAttribution ShareAlike 3.0 License.

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