Although all the reasons why acne happens aren't fully understood, research has certainly uncovered a great deal of useful information.
The main reason people get acne is sebum.
This is an oily substance that is supposed to keep the skin and hair supple and lubricated.
But sometimes it can cause acne instead.
Sometimes, particularly during adolescence, the body produces far too much sebum.
When the excess sebum mixes with dead skin cells and other debris, it blocks hair follicles in the skin, which prevents more sebum escaping.
This blockage becomes a breeding ground for bacteria, which multiply and cause the skin to become irritated and inflamed.
This becomes a pimple.
Testosterone is one of the main causes for excess sebum production.
During adolescence, the body can react differently to testosterone, causing the skin of the upper body to become very oily.
Both males and females produce testosterone, even though the amounts vary, so this can happen to anyone.
Usually the body balances out its production of oil by the early 20s.
It's also fairly well recognized that acne is hereditary, although nobody has really worked out why.
It's likely that related people have similar patterns of oil production during adolescence, and that's partially the cause.
Acne can also be aggravated by other situations in life, including diet, stress, certain medications, skin irritation, and for women, the hormonal changes of the menstrual cycle.
Recent research has also suggested that people who are prone to acne have narrower hair follicles during the outbreaks.
This could be caused in many ways, including abnormal cell binding, water retention causing the skin to swell, or excessive shedding of cells in the follicle.
A narrow hair follicle will get blocked with oil and debris more easily, hence the higher chance of acne.
If you have acne, then it's important to leave it alone.
Squeezing or popping pimples simply helps the bacteria to spread, which makes the acne worse.
It can also lead to permanent scarring.
Even just touching the face can cause problems, so it's really important to keep your hands away from your face, as hands often contain bacteria and oil that can make acne worse.
Also make sure you regularly clean things such as glasses, to remove any oil or grime that could transfer to your face.
Finally, make sure you keep your hair back off your face as much as possible.
Hair often contains oil, grime and debris, and can also cause the skin to sweat if your hair is resting against the skin.
Hats and headbands should be avoided if possible, or washed frequently.
Even though the causes of acne aren't fully known, by doing some of the things suggested in this article, you can certainly reduce the frequency and severity of acne outbreaks.
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