Writing your wife a love letter can be a fantastic way to rekindle the romance in your relationship if it has flagged over the last little while. And even if the passion is burning strongly, you can keep it aflame by using this traditional way of affirming your love for your wife.
Women are crazy about getting love letters. Especially from their husbands. This is mainly because many women think love letters are things of a bygone era, and when they get one from their adoring man, it is a wonderful surprise. These days your choices are much wider than they used to be.
You can write love letters in the following ways:
Pen and paper in a traditional romantic letter. You can post it, hide the love letter under her pillow, present it to her in person, or even via a special delivery (maybe a stripper-gram if she is up for it!). Not so long ago, a love letter to your wife written on paper was the only way to go.
Nowadays, though, there are many more and varied ways that you can express your undying love for your wife. Here are a few of the more "high tech" methods.
SMS. It might sound a little boring but a short love note sent to your wife over a mobile phone can be a lovely surprise for her. These can be short and sweet, using shorthand words and phrases. Don't forget to include those little emoticons (using the keypad if you have an older cell phone, or with some cool graphics if you have a newer smart phone).
Internet. You can upload a message of love through Facebook, MySpace or any number of social networks. Send her a tweet on Twitter if you like. Twitter is a great option because you are limited to a certain of characters and can keep it nice and simple. If you are brave, make a dedicated video message for your beautiful wife and post in on YouTube for others to see just how much your wife means to you. This last option will get you extra brownie points.
Sky-writing. If you have the budget for it and you want to make a huge impression on your better half, splash out and organize for a short "I love you" to be written across the sky. It might cost a bit, but the reward will be amazing.
What exactly should you say in your love letter? For one thing, be as honest as you can. Let your heart guide your hand as it composes that special message. Make sure to do a few drafts first, and then you can pick the one that appeals to you the best.
A really good relationship tip for writing a love letter to your wife is to get one of her best friends to help you with it. If you can get close to one of her gal pals, she may reveal some secret thoughts and emotions that you aren't aware of. These little clues can be of enormous help when you are writing that special letter of love.
Finally, there are professional writers who can help you convey exactly what you want to say, even if you find it difficult.
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