- An accounting technician earns an average salary of $34,750 in the United States as of May 2009, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The median salary is $33,450, with accountants in the 10th percentile earning $21,280 a year and those in the 90th percentile earning $50,450 a year.
- Accounting technicians who work in the industry of accounting, tax preparation, bookkeeping and payroll services earn an average salary of $34,100 a year, according to the Bureau, while those working in the management of companies and enterprises earn an average of $35,970 annually. The local government offers an annual average wage of $35,830, and elementary and secondary schools offer $35,540. In the industry of depository credit intermediation, the average salary of an accounting technician is $32,840.
- Although there aren't as many job opportunities for accounting technicians in other industries, positions tend to pay higher wages. Technicians working for the federal executive branch earn an average of $42,770 a year, according to the Bureau, while those in tobacco manufacturing or rail transportation earn over $43,000 on average. In securities and commodity exchanges the average salary for an accounting technician is $45,670, while those working for the postal service earn the highest wages at an average annual salary of $56,430.
- The Bureau names Washington, D.C., as the nation's highest-paying state for accounting technicians with an average salary of $47,100. Connecticut, Alaska, Massachusetts and Maryland follow, with average salaries that range from $39,140 to $40,190. At $45,930 for an average wage, the San Francisco area of California is the highest-paying metropolitan area for accounting techs, followed by San Jose, California, and Bridgeport, Connecticut, with salary averages of over $44,000.
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