Health & Medical Food & Drink

Graham Crackers: The Origins of Nutty Biskets

Most people who have enjoyed graham crackers throughout their lives have never heard of this product's origins.
Initially named Dr.
Graham's Honey Biskits, they were first made in 1829.
Sylvester Graham developed his Honey Biskits as a part of a new health food diet.
However, while many of the foods he advocated were indeed healthy, physical health was not its purpose.
Instead, Graham proposed that strictly adhering to a diet consisting of bland, tasteless food was the surest way to control one's lustful urges.
Although the puritans of his day wholeheartedly supported him, the general population felt he was, well, nutty.
It is likely Sylvester Graham did not foresee the future of his Biskits.
First, the bland graham flour used in the original recipe was replaced by the more popular refined white flours.
Modern-style crackers also have the additional bonus of enough sugar to really taste good.
Today, anyone who is not a die-hard fan of the plain graham cracker can choose the chocolate, cinnamon, or chocolate covered varieties instead.
If you insist on the original, you can find them in a health food store.
Graham crackers have come a long way since the Reverend developed his Honey Biskits nearly two centuries ago.
From simple lunch box treats to pie crusts, healthy snacks to the main ingredient in delicious recipes, the latest versions of his Biskits can be found nearly everywhere.
People of all ages love the taste, even though they are a healthy food.
You do not need to be concerned about lust in order to get the most from these crackers.
Toddlers to grandparents do not really care whether Sylvester Graham was a little nutty; they only care about the sweet, unique taste that is not found in any other product.
Many generations of Biskit fans could not possibly be wrong.

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