As a driver, you work hard to stay on the right side of the law. However, there's one law you can violate even if you are just driving along and minding your own business: the Virginia move over law.
Inmate searches are gaining popularity as the Internet advances. The need to check the criminal record of every new person you encounter has become vital to survive in the crime prone environment of today.
Nowadays, various types of criminal activities are growing fast in the community. Various incidents have become the talk of the town and are widely spread all over newspapers, television, and other forms of media. What's ...
For anyone who's received a traffic ticket or Criminal charge and have visited a courthouse, it can be an interesting experience. You see many different types of people piling into one room for a court ...
It is pointless waiting for something bad to happen and then getting yourself crushed in the tensions of an unwelcoming situation. It is advisable to get attorneys and live in peace.
Crime is defined as "a breach of a rule or law for which a punishment may ultimately be prescribed by some governing authority or force" (Crime). What if crime did not exist?Who would fund public works?
The Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution gives citizens the right to privacy. Specifically, it grants people the right to be secure in their "persons, houses, papers, and effects" against unlawful searches. Officers must ...
One of the most difficult phases of life to go through the process of divorce. It disturbs both the partners emotionally and financially. Though it is an individual decision but to have someone levelheaded and ...
A citizen's arrest follows nearly the same procedure as an arrest by an officer of the law. The process of arrest includes the seizure and restraint of the presumably guilty party, and allows the person making the arrest to confiscate weapons. What makes a citizen's arrest notable is that it is car
Texas law allows individuals with concealed carry permits to carry concealed weapons into buildings that are not marked with an appropriate sign, and this includes workplaces or other business locations. However, as with other locations, employees cannot carry concealed weapons into workplaces that
Certificates are not a confirmation of education. Schools only help students absorb the information necessary to meet the standards of each age level of the students to ensure literacy in the world of
An arraignment hearing is the first opportunity a defendant has to attend court. The judge will first inform the defendant of his rights in court and what charges are being brought against him by the prosecuting attorney. After informing the defendant of this information, the judge will ask the defe
The body of law interacting with the various factors relevant to legal actions such as killing, robberies, theft etc. can generally be considered as legal law and the attorneys working in this area of research ...
Georgia Code16-11-131 (b) governs the laws regarding possession of firearms by a convicted felona gun image by timur1970 from Fotolia.comFederal law states that a convicted felon may never possess any firearm or ammunition. But, federal law provides an exception if the conviction was a...
Fingerprint cards are used by the FBI to collect your fingerprint impressions to check your criminal history for employment and licensing. There are several types of fingerprint cards used for various reasons.
Ex offenders often have difficulty in getting insurance and even a relative of someone who has offended can have problems when he or she applies for insurance in the UK.
Many of us have been in a place when we would give anything to know something about a person's past. It would be extremely helpful to know some information that would give an indication if that person you met is all that he says he is. Knowing how they have handled their finances, something abo
It's not necessary that life goes smoothly all along the years. Sometimes we get into situation where we find ourselves helpless a similar situation is one when we get into jail. This is the time ...
It's definitely a violation on Human Rights. In a recent published article by Times, dated October 14, 2009, a man named James Nichols was arrested for just attending church. The police's reason: criminal records state ...