Certificates are not a confirmation of education. Schools only help students absorb the information necessary to meet the standards of each age level of the students to ensure literacy in the world of civilization towards education. Literacy eliminates the word "naive" from the early era to model "progress", specially in the 21st century. Given all factors, what makes literacy uneducated? Akin, literacy is the foundation in maneuvering the brain which matches up with education.
Comparable to the seed, a human being starts from a cell before he becomes a fetus to infancy. After maturing in the womb up to 9 months, an infant is out in the open ready to become an individual.
My point is like a seed, the earth is gradually maturing out of that coconut shell and search for convenience. Intelligence has been carrying on what has been worked on in the past. Therefore, it is imperative that history be researched and imparted thoroughly to be used as a reference to discovery and a record for posterity earned from hard work.
History cannot be spit on
The idea of spitting on history is drawn from the Phils due to political, personal and religious interests desiring for planned "Inhumanity", so wickedly implemented in search for that quick elevation and recognition to be a powerful apotheosis. It is like a toddler wishing to match up with an adult and get in the body.
Relating history to education and literacy, provided all the never-ending facts about Science and Religion on how the universe was born, there are still malnourished brains, devaluating the purpose and gravity of truth and naturalism.
Inhumanity and National Discrimination
The case for inhumanity in the 21st century is an intentional catastrophe sabotaging a massive number of human kind that of an airborne influenza not sparing an infant worldwide. Considering literacy, the Philippines knows that "Inhumanity" is against the law, in fact, a total reciprocity of their learning as government servants.
These government jokers are trained and practiced to protect and secure rights of the people, per se. However, in reciprocity, they are the cause of troubles harming human beings, therefore not utilizing education. Yes, they are literate, however, uneducated.
To share with you for the record, the Philippines and Taiwan governments are akimbo in monitoring and accessing my computer they deleted the first version of this article-hackers. Impressive isn't it? That is because the satellite is their main source for sabotage as their physiques are more evident in law. Now, if they move visually, then there is a huge chance for imprisonment.
Moving on, these jokers in the government hide in their seats to do more illegalities such as "Inhumanity" and "National Discrimination" like devils who thought of filling up these criminal cases. I understand that a crime is needed to be served justice. And how could there be a crime without a "culprit" and a "victim"?
More so, in the courtroom, evidences must be polished and full of contents to pass a case. Speaking about literacy, the danger in these government jokers is how deep would they fill up the content of the criminal cases for "Inhumanity" and "National Discrimination"? The Phils has no right to rule and govern Sally Chuang, who Taiwan is echoing for "Prostitute, Shit, Mrs.Uy, Not Good, Not Needed, No Shame, etc." to the whole world.
Sharp tongues
Just where would Taiwan get that extreme interests from? After stating their words, they look so calm as if slander and defamation, even murder are just the food served on the table or the water they drink.
Tell me more about tongues. Sharpness is so much like a norm to them they offer no manifistation of shame nor guilt. I have been doing my experiments on the "knee hammered up", figuratively, like a doctor. Unfortunately, the knee is numb.
I have never lived in the province and I would say that Taiwan is really a trash with sharp, lying tongues. It is known to all that Taiwan is a piece of garbage, a ghost country, illegal country, etc. And they are true. I can never be a prostitute. Furthermore, just why would I follow their mentoring in prostitution when I am secured financially? Good people value time, character and despise sharp tongues and invite bad omens.
More so, they want me to feel the need for sex they want me to run after a Taiwanese shaft? Ha! Oh well, Taiwan is dreaming to be a part of the Phils so obviously to become l and finalize being a "Filipina". Based on analogy, Taiwan wants to share itself with the Phils.
Geez! Their start is my mastery. Worse, since when does a country like this has the right to sell me to Alfonso Raymond To Uy, a Filipino and member of SGI who has nothing to offer to them, modesty aside?
Moving on, there is another Taiwanese police officer who is rumored to be Pantong Ang who wants me to run after his shaft and announced that I am married to him as Sally Chuang Ang. They keep on calling my attention when I am trying to kick them out.
The truth of the matter is, Taiwan is securing my nationality to become a Filipina for the cases they are working on to enter the Phils. Or worse, since I am a Foreign Taiwanese, unfortunately, not by birth and not by choice, their government will work hand-in-hand with the Phils to pretend to be a legal country.
These literate monsters, as a group, have some balls to enter my world amidst their characters and lack of competence. Can you imagine this shaky ghost country so calmly despise me to the whole world as if they know me and what they are saying are true without a trace of guilt nor remorse?
I have a future to attend to. Wherever they are, I am in the 21st century and all of them are strangers to me. Besides, it is better that they think about me than I think about them. Even kids are smiling while they mock Sally Chuang every second of the day for the past 3 years or so for their own ambitions that is good for nothing.
This province has been planning for me as if they own me, pushing me to the SGI Japan and Phils to gain according to what the deal between these two countries have dealt upon. Together with the Phils, they also plan that I be married to a Taiwanese police officer and summon the world to go down before his feet. Wow! Some kingdom of Gods!
Taiwan, a province of China, has been kicked out of the UN in 1971 (www.servat.unibe.ch/icl/tw__indx.html) up to recent. And truly, they are not on earth.
Political and religious apotheosis
The Phils is really determined to use the "National Discrimination and Inhumanity" as a platform to present to the whole world. Nutsy Filipinos. Sally Chuang cannot do anything about job security, their English tongue nor competence, not to mention characters.
More so, how could they serve inhumanity when they are the inhumane?Only the inhumane can fill up inhumanity.Just where would they pull out the knowledge from? They are players of human beings. In fact, they play around with their own bodies as a whole-emotions, brains, etc.
To justify, just why would they hurt the innocent to feel pain and tears? They are torturing their physiques covering their souls up. No one hurts them.
Law emphasizes rights not to hurt anyone to nurture that body and prevents violence to invite happiness in reciprocity with SGI, Taiwanese and Filipinos. Who knows, who else wants to feel pain? Take note that our only existence on earth is brought about by our bodies nurturing life which they disrespect.
From the way they scavenge and change the image of humanity (identified through the body), they repel the mere essence of it. And since the body and brain (mind over heart) reflect where we are heading after a life time, these groups push and pull what is inside that brain which keeps conscience intact, the soul.
More so, how come some people do not feel guilt nor affection when we all have the brains, literacy and common ground?
Literate Taiwan, wicked souls
Who can say that Taiwan is illiterate? They study, too.When they talk about me, they talk as if they know and own me. They unite like terrorists. All of them shout for the "Phils, Alfonso Raymond To Uy, Japan, etc". How comfortable they are with strangers.
In clear conspiracy with Taiwan, a province of China kicked out of the UN in 1971(www.servat.unibe.ch/icl/tw__indx.html) up to recent, they fight for the "Right To English" as well by surrendering the target for the case and using the whole world for the sake of the said criminal cases to the Phils.
For crying out loud, how else could these dreamers deny their salivation to attain their dreams in screwing up their source of vision? Wow, as their target, my past is their future which goes for both scavengers of humanity - Taiwanese and Filipinos. Humbly, they aren't small to dream on. Perhaps, it is just not their destinies or the meat is still raw.
Scavengers and right to English
Pardon me from using "scavengers" as a description. However, to justify, they ruin the brain by capturing its freedom to think and replace it with echoes in Tagalog and Chinese miraculously in the air. I breathe them, too.
Moving on, they wish to eat up my heart as their words are sharp and the sabotage affects my job, yesterday, today and tomorrow. As a human being, a bite hurts.
The worse, this Tagalog dreaming of the "Right To English" ask for more blood to be shed out of the target and welcomed by Taiwan hiding in the satellite to secure their promotion and keep up with the Joneses with a grandeur of preparation through treachery.
This scenario is a very blatant evidence crawled only by the influences such as the government politicians to fill up the mentioned criminal cases to be presented in court. Alright, so the time spent in pushing and scavenging human beings as trespassers to echo the words mold the content of the "planned" legal cases.
Learning through observation and experiences, as the main victim, I see the "brain" of the political jokers. My only question now is, "When do they want to perform the show in the courtroom? And under whose credits amongst the Filipinos and Taiwanese would these criminal cases be accredited to?" You see, it is very political to strategise a "Vote for me. I did this and will do that. I promise you..."
As a literate and educated woman, the cooked cases which will be used as a platform. More so, its history will be adapted and accredited to the end authority(-ies). If the brains pushed through with their plans, then I do not see justice. True justice is served to the head of the mafia, cult, inhumanity. Just why would the criminals be recognised for serving justice?
Oh well, I understand that the Phils has gathered several foreign investors from the different sides of the world that is why they scavenge for more.
These scavengers are literate enough to teach English to Italians, Koreans, Japanese, Chinese, online and man-to-man, rationalising their pride to secure their jobs overseas and elevate themselves to claim the "Right To English".
The Phil politicians are really introducing themselves worldwide with the use of poor manipulation, yet so entertaining. Oh well, most foreigners are hospitable with less unfortunate-looking people.
What I do not understand is why they have to sacrifice, blood and souls to earn that right, if these scavengers are good enough to present themselves in sufficing the needs of the employers, locally and internationally? Only failure would bring up security in job prior to employment, especially with the use of the English language.
Literate police uneducated?
Another scenario about literacy against education would be the police officers in Tantzu Shien. Normally, we head up to the police in times of trouble. Therefore, we need their service, besides, isn't that what they are paid for? I wouldn't go there for the sake of hunting for a boyfriend, lover, soul mate or male service.
However, these lunatics keep on stalking and butting in the satellite offering sex and relationship so shamelessly. Even my soul is being pushed to be taken in. If so, they could have posted "Male Service" outside their office, so I wouldn't get in to be harassed sexually, occupationally and personally by these strangers in uniforms.
More so, aren't "Harassment, Slander, Defamation" and other criminal cases included in their studies? Evidently, they passed the test giving them the reason to carry their badges and guns. Unfortunately, it is disappointing to learn that these rumor mongers know a lot about private matters that do not concern my visit and spread them around. What they could have done was confirm them to me first and assure my identity, regardless of my passport they even questioned.
Geez! There is more. If they could not offer their service righteously according to their uniforms, then where will I go to if a stalker wants to kill me - the priest or the city hall?
As an educator, education questions literacy, "What and how much more information are needed by the brain towards education? Or "Literacy, do you hate me (education) to reject yourself?" I never thought that going to the police headquarter is a painful act or a burden.
The worse case these lunatics would accuse me for is insanity to severe the case of "Inhumanity and National Discrimination" further with the participation of the S. Korea.
So, these learners of English in the Phils want security to "Right To English" as well. I was there and even the churches castigated my name in echoing Taiwanese profanities. Why, will this right eradicate Tesol, Toefl and other certificates asked by the business industries?
Psychological manipulation is to treachery, politics
Emphasizing literacy, the Filipino scavengers are publicising the statement, "Do not belittle us". Who is belittling them when they are so big they leech and lambaste to get an "Open entry visa and Right to English" by sacrificing a life. When they treat me inhumanely to enter my world in the Foreign English teaching, I have already mastered it. More so, they are not supposed to be peeking and burgling in learning the language schools like students scavenging their dream. Continuity in learning can't be an excuse in burgling nor forced networking.
If you are going to listen via the satellite, these lunatics cry as if they are being castigated by a shadow from afar when I am being castigated here. Check out their eyes please. They are different from the normal. Feel the aura of these sinners, they would speak defensively when words related to their issues arise.
Perhaps, it is out of rejection, incompetence or, it is just not for them. Just why would a teacher apply for a nurse? Or why would a "No work experience or Tagalog tutor fight to work as a Foreign English teacher? Speaking English is not enough. Even an English native speaker is not secured with an English teaching job.
I understand that these things aren't memorised at school assured by the certificate/diploma, because it is situational and psychological. Besides, are the Tagalog native speaker teachers the ones fighting for the said rights or the others who have training and exposure with the Americans on the phone? Or is it merely political for the rest of the non native English speaking countries to bow down before the Phils or Taiwan should they break the door to the "Right to English"?
I would say it is manipulation, because Taiwan has been extending the schools to the Phils and the fire has been continually blown by the Filipinos, scavenging, to keep it going. Based on it, the Phils is not discriminated by Taiwan.
When English teaching is enjoyed and a means to survive, others look at it as a prestige or big bucks. Akin, if they cannot speak the language correctly and eloquently, then why aspire for the said "right"? Or is it, perhaps, because these information are not written in the books to be memorised to certify a passing score and claim that "I am smart!"
China has legalized Filipinos as English teachers carrying Philippine passports with Filipino nationality without discrimination. So, why are the Philippines and Taiwan government aiming to be in level with the English? Will it secure the jobs overseas?
What is the problem in getting a Foreign English Teaching job? The said "right" does not straighten up a twisted tongue, character nor skills. Nor does it secure employment. English teaching requires English as a language, character and methodology, that is it.
The Brain matches education
More so, I don't think that these literate scavengers understand the vital role of the brain. Comprehension is NOT memorisation. Analogy and tautology to gage matters require the brain, so how could they ruin it to scavenge?
Education starts with and is filled up by literacy to be absorbed, adapted and applied. Once attained, the brain collects as much of it in connecting the dots to come up with the right analogy. Everything happens in the brain. Education matters greatly to objectify and justify an assessment in analyzing. Without education, literacy may not come in handy and mislead an interpretation to an analogy.
Character in employment
Moving further, another factor why there is a high risk of failure is due to character. It composes of lack of sincerity, hard work and modesty to work out interest and capacity before "pay". I feel credible to speak out my thoughts, because I have heard workers, tangibly and intangibly, who only work to earn money out of the "need" to get by or applaud that "I got the job".
I grew up in a business and had my own business out of interests. My point is, I do not sell nor service only to earn. Vis-a-vis, I am a worker as well and I only apply the posts I am capacitated in and willing to work out well.
Furthermore, I feel that loving ones work should be on top and think of pay only during pay days. Coming in to work for prestige or daily pay is not considered as sincerity in dedicating oneself to the job.
Looking at life as a learning process, I will always come up anew with my own business and my observation will be considered greatly. Relevant to literacy, they are aware of the consequences of their illogical movement. So, why do they still do it? They are investing their time in crime.
To continue, job security is not a constant variable especially in Taiwan. My point is, it is wise to secure a fallback in case of crisis. And just how could anyone do that if the brain is scavenged or damaged? The brain plays the highest role in performing a task, crucially in writing. So, how could these brain scavengers afford to screw it up?
The brain is to life. It also elevates the kind of specie. Akin, literacy is the foundation in maneuvering the brain that matches up with education. And just exactly where it is, the brain is on top of all.
Only scavengers would distort a beauty such as the brain as pure and heavenly as gold.
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