Tibia Classic Controls Place a tick in this box to use an alternative set of controls. If the classic controls are enabled, right-clicking on a target will automatically cause your character to use or - if the target is a character or a creature - to attack it. Also, players who are using the classic controls can look at things or characters on the game window by placing the mouse pointer on them and by simultaneously clicking on the left and right mouse button. It is still possible to use context menus when the classic controls are enabled. To do so hold down the Ctrl key and click on a target with any mouse button. Please note that while the classic controls may be a bit faster than the regular controls you will also be more likely to make mistakes because of the increased risk of making a misplaced click. Auto Chase Off If this option is enabled, your character will automatically interrupt his chase of an opponent whenever you move manually, i.e. if you press a cursor key or click somewhere on the game window. Deselecting this option will cause the movement mode "Chase Opponent" to remain active, i.e. characters will resume the chase as soon as you stop moving them manually. Show Names of Creatures In the game window, all characters and creatures are marked with their names and health bars. However, you can remove both the name and the health bar by deselecting this option in the game options menu. Alternatively, you can press the key combination Ctrl+N for the same effect or to display only the health bar. This might be useful when you enter a crowded place. Show Textual Effects Whenever creatures or characters lose hit points or gain experience small numbers appear over their heads in the game window. If you prefer not to see this effect, you can turn it off by disabling this option.