Society & Culture & Entertainment Arts & Crafts Business

Why Do Dolphins Jump Out of Water?

    An Ongoing Debate

    • According to, debate continues in scientific circles on the reasons why dolphins jump out of the water.

      One of the most commonly mentioned reasons is that dolphins leap out of the water to conserve energy while traveling, as moving through air uses much less energy than through water. Dolphins can be seen swimming alongside ships, also known as bow-riding, because this helps them to conserve energy as well. Jumping into the air while swimming also allows the dolphin to breath without losing stride.

      Other beliefs focus on the idea that jumping into the air increases the dolphin's visibility of the surrounding areas for predators and food sources, communicates during hunts and rids their bodies of parasites.

      One idea that can't be scientifically proven but is believed to be true is that dolphins jump simply for fun. Dolphins are a very playful species, and they frolic with the other members of their pods constantly. Jumping could be a form of entertainment or social interaction.

    About Dolphins

    • Dolphins are mammals, part of the toothed whale family that also includes orcas and pilot whales. They are generally gray in color, breath through a blowhole on the top of their head and live in tropical oceans and several rivers throughout the world.

      They range in size, depending on the breed: The smallest Amazonian Freshwater River dolphins average around 100 pounds, and orcas (killer whales) reach nearly 18,000 pounds. All dolphins eat a varied diet of fish, crustaceans and squid.

    Other Sea Animals that Jump

    • Sea lions, penguins, rays, and other fish also jump (or porpoise, as it is called) for many reasons while swimming. The reasons overlap with those of the dolphin--for safety, conservation of energy or fun. The fact that many other sea creatures leap out of the water leads to the confusion and many-sided arguments on an exact reason for the behavior.

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