In the hectic world of today we seem to find little time for simple pleasures and it feels almost impossible to fully de-stress yourself.
There is much attention on all the negative aspects of life that we are bombarded with via TV reporters and violent movies.
But, there is still enough of the good things in life and simple pleasures to be had! One way to give some harmony, balance and inspiration is to display motivational posters in your home or in the office.
Not only are they beautiful to look at, especially when framed, but they also have inspirational phrases that have powerful meaning to constantly remind us why we set certain goals for ourselves.
In the home you have the soccer mom who has to move a million miles an hour just to get done daily activities.
Between the bruised knees, meals, soccer practice, ballet, laundry and kids playing through the house etc.
there may not be much time just to get a moment to yourself.
But you can surround your self with calming things like soothing wall paint, plants, small water features and inspirational prints.
These prints can be useful for their beauty as an accent and also as a great tool to motivate children (or parents for that matter).
There is a great print called, Direction-Family, which states" There are two important things we can give our children, one of these is roots and the other is wings".
This powerful statement says so much with so few words.
This particular print is a wonderful gift to give to another family especially if they are moving into a new home.
Motivational posters can be a fantastic tool for the office as well.
Employees can benefit from the inspirational sayings and the aesthetics but also it shows your customers that you care enough to inspire others.
At the office you also have the dead line to meet, the company practical jokers to deal with, and the photocopier that jams on you.
Anything that you can do to put some balance, harmony and aesthetics will be beneficial.
Here are some quotes that are great for the office: 1)Leadership-Golf, which states: " We make way for the one who pushes past us! 2)Perseverance-Cliff Hanger, which states: " What the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve! 3)Serenity-Palm Trees which state: " There is always a time and place for peaceful reflection and kind acts.
4)Leadership-Fisherman, which states: " A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way! Whether for the home or office, motivational posters are aesthetic and can inspire us every time we look at them.
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